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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 17

The musicians kept playing classic tunes as the guests enraged themselves in discussions, munching on appetizers, and dancing.

“The way the night is going, you might just end up shaving your hair.” Jeff teased, smiling at Charles, but he got an icy stare in return.

“Catherine may be assigned to that account, but just as it was easy for it to be taken from Chloe and passed onto her, it's that easy to snitch it from her grip,” Charles replied with a frown.

Then glared at his cousin before walking away, heading towards Bill.

“What is he up to?” Jeff mumbled, scowling as he watched Charles meet up with the chairman of the MC group.

At the same time, Catherine and Rome were in the process of walking towards Bill when she saw her cousin and him talking, and she stopped in her tracks.

“What's wrong, wife?” Rome softly asked, sadly gazing at her.

“My cousin is planning on killing two birds with one stone. Since that's his intention, then I'm going to take a step.” Catherine mumbled with a slight smile.

“Why are you letting them step all over you? That account was rightfully given to you by your grandfather, you're just going to disappoint him by letting Charles have it?”


“No, but. Look into my eyes.”

A look of hesitation crossed Catherine's face. Then she took a deep breath and gazed directly into her husband’s eyes.

“You are just as qualified to get those accounts as any of your cousins, so what's stopping?” Rome said, resting his palm against her cheek.

“Nothing,” Catherine mumbled, smiling softly.

“Then don't let nothing hold you back.”

“You are right. The only person that can stand in my way, is myself and I am tired of being my stomping block.”

A frown settled on Charles's face as he stared at Bill and firmly said, “Why can't you give me the account? I have spent minutes pitching a great proposal to you, and it's not worth your interest!”

“How should I put this nice and simple? Your kind of ideas is old-fashioned and dull. I'm looking for a fresh mind with inspiration and creative concepts, not something sterile.” Bill casually said, taking a sip of his drink.

At that moment, Catherine and Rome joined them, and Charles shot them an icy stare. But they ignored his mad eyes and gazed at Bill.

“Another Barlow. I already told your cousin that I'm not accepting your family proposal for my account.” Bill said, shoving his hand into his pocket.

“Charles is extremely brilliant and talented, but he doesn't represent the entire Barlow family, and neither does his proposal. Please give me a chance to show you what it means.” Catherine said with a pleading expression.

“As you said, your cousin is extremely brilliant, if I didn't like his plan, what makes you think that you will be any different?”

“Because we are not the same. Maybe you might accept mine or not, but at least give me the chance to prove to you what I can do.”

After taking another sip of his wine, Bill let out a deep sigh and said, “Fine. Wow me, Miss Catherine.”

Although she sounded confident, her heart was beating rapidly and her mind kept crowding with unnecessary thoughts until she felt Rome's hands in hers, and everything suddenly became calm.

Then without giving in to her fear, Catherine boldly pitched her proposal, making sure not to leave any details out. By the time she finished, Bill was staring wide-eyed at her with his jaw hanging loose.

For a while, he thought Catherine was just a woman with a powerful husband, that's why he had to give her the project.


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