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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 170

At eight on the dot, the grand hall of the Elite Eight Hotel seemed already crowded with guests. Not a single person who got an invite didn't show up.

Everyone pretended to be into the wine, food, and entertainment, but what they all actually wanted to know was why Mr. Ford was celebrating when his son was in a crucial situation.

The news about Rome and Chloe was no secret to any of them. But not a single guest was willing to make small talk about it since their fear of Mr. Ford was still strong.

However, when the door opened, and Rome walked in with Catherine by his side, some of the guests couldn't help frowning at him.

"Why are we here!" Dash harshly uttered, hardening his face.

Staring at her son with an unbothered expression on her face, Mrs. Johnson said, "Because Mr. Ford invited us."

"Don't you two think our family name has gotten humiliated enough!" Dash lashed out at his parents.

A frown crossed Mr. Johnson's face as he stared at his son and said, "Watch your tongue. Rome Ford is the reason this family can still get recognized and respected!"

"Haha, respect! I am a mockery, a joke because of what he has done! Do you know the humiliating things others are saying about me! Me being here is degrading since...!" Dash firmly said.

Then he clenched his fist and continued, "Since people are gossiping that I'm not a man, that's why my wife betrayed me for another!"

"Suck it up, and stop acting like a boy! Be a man, Dash! Our family success is way more important than your marital problems!" Mr. Johnson coldly said without a care.

However, the last thing Dash wanted to do was suck it up and let the matter go.

Smiling brightly, Madam Rosey grabbed Mr. Barlow's arm and happily cried, "Catherine and Rome seemed fine. I guess I was worried over nothing."

"Well, I'm glad that she has this family interest at heart and not allowing some stupid emotion to come between her and him." Mr. Barlow said, looking at his granddaughter.

When Catherine squeezed his arm, Rome looked down at her and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yes… I mean, no." Catherine mumbled, looking up at him. "It just feels uncomfortable knowing what all these people are thinking about you… and me."

"If you are bothered, we can leav... "

"No, I don't want to leave."

When Rome furrowed his brows at Catherine, she softly sighed and said, "I just wished that all these people knew the truth so you won't get judged falsely."

Keeping silent, Rome faintly smiled at her and then said, "Don't worry. I will fix this."

Those words gave Catherine a sense of comfort, and she grinned at Rome.

Within that moment, Catherine's sight rested on her parents, standing a couple of distances away from them, staring at her and Rome.

"I should clarify things with my father and mother. Hopefully, they will believe my words this time." Catherine said, focusing back on Rome's eyes.

"We should do it together," Rome said, taking her hand in his.

At that moment, he heard his father's voice, "Son, come here for a second."

Swaying his attention off Catherine, Rome gazed to his right and saw Mr. Ford, looking straight at him.

"You should go. I can do this alone." Catherine softly intoned.

For a moment, Rome hesitated. Then he rested his palms on her cheeks and kissed her forehead before walking away, heading to his father.

When Rome reached Mr. Ford, he frowned and asked, "What is this party really about?"

"I appreciate Miller a lot. But he made you a bit too soft." Mr. Ford straightforwardly said as he looked over Rome's shoulder and glanced at Mr. Miller, watching the both of them from a distance.

"There's nothing wrong with being soft sometimes."

"No, there's nothing wrong with that. But when you are vulnerable to the wrong people then that's where the problem laid."

Silent fell between both men as Rome intensely gazed into his father's eyes. Then he casually asked, "What is tonight really about?"


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