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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 173

As Catherine reached for her toothbrush, she suddenly heard the bathroom door open, and she softly smiled at her reflection in the mirror.

"Morning gorgeous," Rome seductively said as he stared at her adorably from the bathroom entrance.

Giggling faintly, Catherine looked back at him, rolled her eyes, and then mumbled, "Gorgeous? I look like a mess."

"But, a very stunning hot mess." Rome teased, winking at her.

Even though Catherine tried to look mad, she couldn't help laughing hard. Then she slightly shook her head and looked back at the mirror.

Walking away from the door, Rome's approached Catherine, held her from the back as both his hands rested on her stomach, and whispered, "What's your plan for today?"

"Aahh, work. I have a bunch of meetings to attend." Catherine mumbled before brushing her teeth.

With warmth in his gaze, Rome gently rested his chin on her shoulder, staring at her reflection in the mirror, and then said, "So can we go on a date today? It's been a while since we have done something like that."

Although her schedule was tight for the day, Catherine smiled as her eyes lit up and mumbled, "Mmhmm, yes. When?"

"I have to go to the casino to look at the evidence Brook and Blaze gathered, and then I have a meeting with Mr. Jackson… You know what, give me your time, and I will make it work." Rome heartily uttered.

Realizing that he too was running on a tight schedule, Catherine gave a faint smile and said, "How about eight?"

"Eight sounds perfect!" Rome said, feeling relief about the time she chose.

Then he held Catherine by her waist, slowly turned her around, and took the toothbrush out of her hand.

"Hey! I'm not done with that yet." Catherine said, gazing into his eyes.

"Oh really? Are you sure?" Rome softly uttered.

Feeling a bit excited, she lowered her gaze on his lip as Rome slowly leaned forward. Then he suddenly claimed her mouth, kissing her gently.

'I'm going to be so late for work,' Catherine thought when Rome lifted her off the tiles, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, holding onto his neck tightly.

Slowly running her fingers through Rome's hair as he carried her out of the bathroom, Catherine shut her eyelids and gave in to the feeling of arousal she felt from the sound of his breath and his smell.

Within a couple of minutes, she lost track of her heartbeat, the instant she felt her body hit the bed and his weight above her with their bare skin touching.

'A little lateness wouldn't hurt. After all, I'm the boss.' Catherine thought, clawing her fingers into the bedsheet.

At eleven o'clock, Rome walked into the upstairs room at the casino with K and Scar behind him and then took a seat beside his father.

"You are late." Mr. Ford calmly uttered, gazing at him.

"Am I?" Rome mumbled, staring at his watch. "Well, look at that. I'm actually late. I must have overslept."

For a moment, Mr. Ford stared at him in disbelief. Then he faced Brook and said, "Your boss is here now. Are you willing to talk?"

"Yes," Brook humbly replied.

Keeping his gaze fixed on Rome, he approached the table, rested a folder on it, and said, "These are photos Blaze and I gathered from surveillance cameras from the street and the security cameras at Hotel plaza. Also, there is a hard drive there with more evidence on it."

After picking up the folder, Rome opened it, and immediately, his eyes grew cold, and his face hardened.

"Brook, who is this?" Rome asked, showing the picture to him.

"That's the guy that the hotel plaza housekeeper said paid her to let Chloe into your suite," Brook said, taking a closer look at the guy in the photo wearing a cap and black hoodie.


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