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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 181

The dining room was quiet, and the silence annoyed Catherine, but she tried not to frown at the food in front of her.

Then she suddenly got startled out of her thoughts when she heard footsteps in the room.

After Catherine raised her gaze, she stared at one of their maids, gazing down at her.

"What is it, Mini?" Catherine calmly asked.

"Should I set up extra plates for sir?"

"No. He's at a business meeting, and I don't think he will be coming home soon."


After a couple of minutes passed and Mini had not left, Catherine slightly frowned at her and asked, "Do you have anything else you want to say?"

"No, ma'am!" Mini hastily intoned.

Then she hurried out of the room, leaving Catherine alone once more.

Not even giving it a second thought, Joe dropped the knife and stepped away from Rome, keeping his hands in the air with a smirk on his lips.

But when he saw that the laser beam was still pointed at him and Mr. Ford men had not lowered their guns, the smirk disappeared and a look of stress clouded his face.

"I did what you ask...ed of me!" Joe stuttered, staring pleadingly at Mr. Ford.

Then he swayed his gaze to Rome, giving him a pitiful stare.

Frowning at Joe, Rome walked backward as he casually said, "I warned you. Now, the good cop is done, and you got the bad cop. You should have listened."

After Rome and his men went to the back, Joe swallowed hard as he gazed at Mr. Ford with raw fear in his eyes.

In that instant, Mr. Ford took a step toward him, and Joe wanted to run. But his feet felt glued to the floor as he stared at the laser lights on his shirt.

"What more do you want from me!" Joe shouted, knowing fully well that he already knew the answer.

Not losing the calmness in his eyes, Mr. Ford casually walked up to Joe. Then he stopped a foot away from him and said, "You hurt and threatened my son. Who do you think you are?!"

"Mr. Ford, I can ex...plan. Please, I was delu-sional and…" Joe blurted out, pausing when Mr. Ford rested his hand on him.

Patting his shoulder, Mr. Ford gave a cold smile and said, "Have you heard the saying, 'An eye for an eye?"

"Mr. Ford, if I tell you where my boss is, you will let me go, right?!" Joe cried, striving to stop his hand from shaking. "Okay! Okay! I will tell you where my boss is!"

"Oh, you are going to tell me. But that will be after learning a couple of life lessons."

"Mr. For…"

Instantly, Joe's eyes widened the moment Mr. Ford clenched his fist into his stomach.

Then he let out a loud groan, screeching out the pain, dropped to his knees, and then tried to catch his breath.

"Stand up, boy!" Mr. Ford said, looking down at him.

Focusing his red eyes on Mr. Ford, Joe hesitated and then cried out, "My boss has a priv…"


"Okay! I'm standing!"

Sweat was dripping down Joe's face as he nervously looked at Mr. Ford's men before gazing at him, knowing that there was absolutely nothing he could do other than stand and get beaten.

Immediately, he squeezed his eyes shut before Mr. Ford's left leg could crash into his face.

The force from the kick knocked Joe to the ground, causing him to blackout.

"Damn!!" K mumbled, feeling the hair on his neck stand.

'He still got it.' Rome thought as a memory of his childhood crossed his mind.


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