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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 183

Twirling her chair left to right, Catherine stared at Charles' prideful expression and then screwed her face into a frown

“Look, Charles, I don't have the energy and time for whatever nonsense this is, so please leave my office!” Catherine finally said, giving him a cold stare as she sat up straight.

A frown settled on Charles' face as he took a long look at her.

Then he sighed and said, “Let me rephrase my sentence. 'I legally bought shares from some of the shareholders of DreamTeam, and now, I'm the vice-chair since I'm the second highest shareholder in the company."

“Do you have a high fever or something?” Catherine firmly uttered. "There's no way you have the financial backing to sway this company's shareholders to sell their shares to you!"

“You will be shocked to find out the kind of powerful connection I have now!” Charles boastfully uttered, smirking faintly.

"What powerful connection?! What are you even talking about!?"

"Won't you like to know! But I'm glad to tell you, dear cousin, that it is none of your business!"

Scowling at Charles, Catherine took a long look at him and then casually asked, "Did you take any illegal substance this morning?"

Filled with arrogance and rage, Charles clenched his fists and stood from his seat.

Then he walked over to the desk, tossed a folder onto it and rested his palms flat on its wooden surface without taking his gaze of Catherine's calm eyes, and firmly said, "Is that convincing enough?!"

For a moment, Catherine hesitated. Then she picked up the file, and the moment she gazed at the first page, her eyes grew troubled.

'This can not be possible.' Catherine thought, realizing that the document was legal.

"Cat got your tongue, dear cousin!?" Charles mockingly said with a smirk on his lips.

Swaying her gaze away from the paper, Catherine glared at him and asked, "Who's your connection, Charles?!"

"As I said, it's none of your damn business, dear cousin!" Charles firmly uttered. "What I can tell you is that they did something that you were too selfish to let happen!"

"Do you think I don't want to allow you guys back into DreamTeam! But the damage you all cause this comp…"

"Oh, spare me the bullcrap! You just want everyone to be beneath you so you can finally feel some sense of worth because you had none until Rome walked into your life!"


"What?! It's true! I bet after here, you are going to take off galloping to him to ask him to get me out of this place!"

"That's not tru…"

"New flash, cousin, these documents are legal, and taking me to court would be the only way you can take me out of this company."

Speechless from rage, Catherine took a long look at Charles, striving to get her anger under control.

Then she drew a deep breath and said, "As long as you don't do anything to hurt the company, I'm fine with you being here, honestly."

"Well, even if you are not okay with me being here, there is absolutely nothing you can do about it, so save your words because pretending is an ugly look on you," Charles said, taking the folder out of Catherine's hand.

Then he turned to leave, but her voice stopped him in his tracks, "You don't know who your powerful connection is. Am I right?"

Keeping silent, Charles took in a deep breath, squeezing his eyelids shut.

"I think the person that is helping you was the one who used Chloe and made her do all that outrageous stuff that got her in trouble," Catherine said, staring at his back.

"Chloe doesn't need someone to push her to do things, especially if it means getting what she wants," Charles said, raising his lashes. "And just like her, I would willingly shake hands with the devil if that means getting what I want!"

"Do you hear yourself?!"

"I don't think I stuttered, dear cousin!"

A frown crossed Catherine's face as she watched Charles walk out of her office with the folder in his hand.

Then after he shut the door, she picked up her phone and scrolled through her contact, frowning at the number she stopped at.

After dialing her grandfather's number, Catherine waited patiently, and a few seconds later, she heard, "Hey, dear."

"Are you aware that Charles is now the company's new Vice-chair?"


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