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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 188

The moment the conference door opened Elijah, Richard, and William turned their heads to the left, smiling at Catherine as she walked into the office.

"Haha, there's my dear niece!" William gaily said as he clapped his hand.

Keeping a straight face, Catherine walked up to the table and took her seat at the head of it.

Immediately, a frown crossed Charles's face because he realized that his cousin was still above him after all.

"Good morning, Uncle William, Elijah, and Richard." Catherine calmly uttered, resting her hands on the desk.

Then she clutched her fingers together, looked at Charles, and said, "Good morning, cousin."

“Can we speed this up? I got somewhere to be.” Charles mumbled in annoyance.

"Watch how you speak to your cousin! She's being a Saint for forgiving us after all that we have done to this company, and giving us a second chance. The least you can do is be appreciative of her!" William lashed out at his son.

'Although those words sound really nice, it's disgusting because you are telling Charles that he can only respect me if I'm useful to you guys. What a bunch of pretenders!' Catherine thought with a blank face.

Then she strived not to roll her eyes and returned a stiff smile when her uncle grinned at her and said, "Good morning, dear."

“So what I and your uncles discussed last night was that we are all hoping to resume a position on the board." William continued with a smile plastered on his face.

"Wow, it seems like you guys have made a decision again behind my back!" Catherine boldly uttered in annoyance.

“You sound like you have a problem with that,”

“Of course, I do! DreamTeam is run by me, and if anyone should be making the decision here, it's me!”

As Elijah gazed at Catherine, he frowned and said, “We all disagree with that.”

“Well, I don't,” Catherine mumbled with a carefree attitude.

“I know being the chairwoman of this company has put you in a powerful position. But as a Barlow, you are still the baby of the fam...”

“A Ford,”


"I am legally married, uncle, so I'm a 'Ford.' Also, spare me the lecture. I have heard it once, and telling me it for the second time doesn't make it as effective as the first."

The room fell silent as Elijah, William, Anthony, and even Charles stared at her in bewilderment.

Then Anthony sighed heavily and said, "It seems like your mind is already made up to not listen to us, so we are inclined to hear to what you have decided for us."

"I said some things last night while being pressured by you guys. But now that I think about it, I'm taking those words back." Catherine calmly uttered, not losing her straight expression.

“You can't be serious!"

“Do I look like I'm kidding? What part of what I had just said sounds like a joke to you, Uncle Anthony!?”

“But that means you are withdrawing your decision to let us work with DreamTeam again."

“Grandpa passed down the burden of leadership of DreamTeam to me, and I have to make tough choices for the benefit of this company!"

With a look of disappointment in his eyes, William clenched his fist and said, “You can't do this!"

“The decision has been made!” Catherine casually said.

Then she looked at the time on her phone screen, stood to her feet, and said, “Since that's all I came here to say, I will take my leave now. I have a busy schedule."


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