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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 2

"What does that mean?" Rome asked, feeling stunned by his father's words.

“Stop talking, and let's go. These guys will soon wake up from the nap you put them in!” Miller mumbled.

Rome didn't move an inch as he stared at his father in shock. But then Mr. Miller slowly walked behind him and aggressively shoved him out the door.

“Hey! How come the older you get, the more violent you become.” Rome mumbled after he had balanced himself.

“Stop talking and walk!” Mr. Miller said while forcefully pushing Rome since he stubbornly refused to take a step forward.

Everyone that walked past them kept awkwardly staring as Mr. Miller continued shoving Rome from the back.

“Fine! Stop hitting me! I will walk by myself. But you have to tell me about where we are going.” Rome mumbled while questionably staring at his father.

“All you need to know is that where I’m taking you is the safest place for you right now. So promise me that you wouldn’t cause any trouble once you are there and always keep your head low.” Mr. Miller said.

“Ah, it sounds awful already.”

“Rome! It’s not the time to crack jokes. Promise me!”

“Yeah. Sure, whatever.”

After a while, Mr. Miller and Rome got into a Cab.

They both did not speak a word to each other the entire drive.

When the taxi stopped in front of an enormous fancy fence, Rome and Mr. Miller got down and approached the gate. Then Mr. Miller rang the doorbell and waited.

After a few minutes, a guard came out of the fence and walked up to them. He then gazed at Mr. Miller first before, staring at Rome.

“I don’t have any money to give you guys. Now leave!” He rudely said as he stared at them with disgust on his face.

The one thing Rome found hard to control was his anger. But as he folded his fingers into a fist, Mr. Miller grabbed his hand and calmly said, “I am sorry about the misunderstanding, but we are not beggars. My son and I would like to speak to Madam Rosey.”

The guard's lips curve into a mocking grin before he burst into laughter. He laughed so hard that tears rolled down the corner of his eyes.

“Not beggars. You guys can’t fool me. I have seen countless people like you, and they always say that they are not beggars. But in the end, I have to forcefully remove them from madam Rosey sight because they turn out to be beggars." The guard provokingly stated, trying not to burst into another laughter.

Rome's fist got even tighter as he coldly stared at the mocking expression on the guard’s face.

Then he let out a deep sigh and calmly said, “Look, my dad and I are not looking for trouble. We need to speak with this Madam Rosey.”

A frown settled on the guard’s face as he angrily stared at Rome.


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