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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 201

As the blasting sun burned their scalps, Madam Barlow frowned at Mr. Barlow and asked, "Why haven't they opened the gate yet?"

"Stop asking me questions you know I don't have the answer to, woman!" Mr. Barlow lashed out, frowning as he rang the bell again.

Annoyed by the hotness from the sun, Madam Barlow cried, "This is all Charles's fault for taking the cars from us, making us use an Uber! How can he be so evil to ill-treat us in our own home!"

When Mr. Barlow played deaf to her words, she frowned and continued, "Catherine would have never…"

"Maybe if you would have been a bit nicer to her and Rome in the past…"

"Me! How about you?! Were you not the same as me! Now we are losing it all, you want to make it my fault!"

Frowning, Mr. Barlow looked away from his wife and cleared his throat before ringing the doorbell again.

"Don't they have security or someone to monitor the cameras outside the gate! Doesn't anyone see us!" Madam Rosey cried out.

"Shut up and stop complaining, woman!" Mr. Barlow harshly uttered before ringing the bell again.

Crossing his legs over the other, Mr. Ford rested back on the couch and faintly smirked before turning his newspaper page.

After ringing the gate bell for the fifteenth time, Mr. Barlow wiped the sweat off his forehead and drew a deep breath, feeling dry in his mouth.

"Should we go back home!" Madam Rosey mumbled, unable to bear the heat anymore.

"My forefathers, my father, and I work hard to make the Barlow name worth something! I refuse to allow Charles to ruin it within a few months!" Mr. Barlow shouted in a fit of rage.

"Should we call Catherine's number again?" Madam Barlow asked, fanning herself with her hand.

"The twentieth time you tried it, why do you think her number didn't go through!?"

Do you think she blocked our numbers?"

"What other reason could there be, uh?!"

It grew silent as Madam Barlow pouted at her husband. Then she hastily reached into her purse and pulled out her phone.

"What are you doing now!?" Mr. Barlow lashed out, feeling fed up with his wife's behavior.

"I'm calling Edward to tell him to inform his daughter that we are out here!" Madam Barlow said in annoyance before dialing her son's number.

After a couple of rings, Edward answered the call, and his calm voice flowed through Madam Barlow's ear. "I'm working, mother. What is it?"

"Call Catherine and informed her that her grandfather and I are standing outside of Mr. Ford's mansion. She should come and get us!"

"Mom, what are you guys up to now! Can't you two just leave my daughter in peace!?"

"Edward, stop lecturing your mother and call your daughter!"

The line grew silent. Then Madam Barlow heard, "Beep! Beep! Beep!"

"He cut the line!" Madam Barlow mumbled in disbelief. "How did our life become this humiliating?!"

After taking a moment to inhale and exhale, a look of sadness settled in Mr. Barlow's eyes as he mumbled, "So this is what Karma feels like. Within a blink of an eye, we are the ones who are in a humble position."

Hanging his head low, Mr. Barlow sighed and then rang the doorbell, drowning in the feeling of despair he felt for himself.

When the sound of footsteps echoed from the hallway, Mr. Ford raised his gaze and saw Catherine walking past the living room.

Immediately, he called out, "Dear, where are you going?"

"To take a walk in the yard," Catherine answered, after entering the living room.

"Well, would you like to have a fruit bowl with me? I was just thinking about asking Chef Simon to make me one."

"Ohh… Yes, please." Catherine said with a smile.

"Great. Let's head to the kitchen then."


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