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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 213

Listening to the silence in his office, Rome kept his eyes shut, feeling a sense of hopelessness drowning him deeper into his emotions.

"I thought I had all the cards in my hands, how did I play the game so wrong and lose it all?" Rome mumbled beneath his breath.

"Axel had the element of surprise. You had nothing, and you were fighting visionless. You didn't lose. He cheated." K said, clutching his fist so tightly that the veins on the back of his hands popped.

Keeping silent, Rome tried to find some sense of comfort in those words. But his mind wouldn't let him feel like all this could have been avoided if he had played his cards right, and now, he was about to lose the fight.

Suddenly, his ringtone disturbed the peace, and he slowly opened his eyes. Then he reached for his phone and answered the call.

"How did the meeting go?" Axel asked, walking out of his bathroom in a bathrobe.

"Isn't it just shameless to make others take the fall for the filthy life that you have lived!" Rome lashed out, losing grip of his anger.

"I will take that as the meeting went well," Axel said, smiling faintly as he sat at the edge of his bed.

Then he pushed his hair back and calmly uttered, "No, it's not low of me to make you take the fall for my crimes because your father is the reason I had to live such a filthy life."

"I don't think my father put a gun to your head and made you commit hideous crimes, Axel!" Rome coldly uttered.

"No, he did not. But you know, when you suddenly lose everything and hit rock bottom at such a young age, you have to make life one way or another. "

"What exactly did my father do to you?!"

"You will know soon. For now, leave the company and head back to the hotel. Once you take the fall for NewWorld incorporation, and you lost everything, you will have your wife back."

Without uttering a word, Rome ended the call. Then he aggressively tossed the phone on the desk.

Keeping his eyes fixed on his boss, K studied his mood for a couple of seconds and then asked, "Want to talk about it?"

"We have to go back to the hotel," Rome said, swaying his attention to K.

Then he stood from his chair, grabbed his phone off the desk and his coat off the rack before walking away.

"We are going back to the hotel?" K mumbled in confusion as he watched his boss walk past him.

"Yes, K. We are doing what Axel wants, and he wants me back at that damn hotel!" Rome harshly uttered without stopping.

The tension in front of the house was intensifying as Blaze and his men stood their ground while staring coldly at Axel's guys.

“Have you guys gotten enough beating to learn your lessons and get the hell out of here!” One of Axel's men said, gazing at Blaze.

Gazing at the bat in his grip, Blaze smirked, ignoring the pain in his rib and his aching body.

“I must admit. I didn't expect you guys to be this many, and I didn't come prepared. But Nah, we are just starting this dance." Blaze said, spitting his bloody saliva on the floor before eyeing the guys on his left.

There moment he winked at a few of his men, they split up, a bunch of them rushed over to a group of Axel's men.

'Strategy, divide and conquer.' Blaze thought, signaling the other guys on his right.

Once he had watched his men break up Axel's men into a group of two, Blaze looked at the guy in front of him and said, "Let's get this over with!"

After taking a long stare at the trolley, Catherine looked away from it and said, "for the uncountable amount of time, I am not hungry!"

Chapter Ninty-Two 1


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