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A Girl Adopted by Wolves novel Chapter 33

As soon as I was out of the door, I started taking deep breaths. How the hell can they expect this from me? I know it is bound to happen someday but this is way too early and forceful. Asher didn't even say anything about it. Maybe he is bound to follow the rules. He should have at least filled me in a little. Well that would have at least prevented the rude things I said to them. I would have come prepared. Oh my god! I just shouted and disrespected my mate’s parents. Well I can’t do anything about it now. I will apologize latter. I don't want to go home right now. Aaron's car is still here. Should I call him? Let's give it a try. I dialled his number and he picked up immediately.

'Hey', I said.

'Hi. What's up?' he sounded a bit scared. Something is wrong.

'You are at Carter's right. What's going on over there?'

'Yeah. I will tell you later.' He said hastily.

'Okay. Well I.... Umm' I hesitated.

'Are you alright Amy?' he asked worried.

'Yes. I am fine. I was thinking, would you like to go to the beach, if you are free that is?' I asked.

'I actually was going to ask you the same thing.' Umm okay. Something is definitely wrong.


'Yup. There is a lot on my mind right now. Where are you? I will pick you up.'

'Actually I am outside Asher's house.' I said sheepishly.

'Okay. Get in the car right now. I am sneaking out of here. My car isn't locked.' Sounds were coming in the background of someone slamming their fists on a door.

'You sound like we are running away.' What did he do now?

'Something like that. Get in the driver's seat. You know how to drive right?'


'Speed out as soon as I enter the car.' The banging got harder.


I cut the call and looked at Asher's house. He didn't even come to check up on me. Well got to get used to disappointment. I opened the driver's side of the door and got in. The key is already in the ignition. This guy can be really irresponsible. Aaron came out of Carter's house running like his ass is on fire and got in the passenger side.

"Go. Go. Go." he shouted.

I turned the car and saw a very angry Carter coming out of the house. Aaron's eyes widened in horror. OMG Aaron, what the hell did you do? I can get the details later. Carter said something but I didn't hear it. I pressed my foot on the accelerator and we dashed out towards the beach. Once we were on the cliff, I released the breath I didn't know I was holding. That was downright crazy. I don't even know why we ran away from there like that. I turned my head towards Aaron and he was looking at me already. We burst out in laughing fits.

"Why the hell were we running? Did you step on his tail or what?" I joked but I wanted to know what happened.

"I did not step on his tail. I wouldn't dare. Let me relax a little please. We should go sit and relax first. Cliff or beach?" he said sighing.

Chapter 33- Amara 1

Chapter 33- Amara 2


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