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A Girl Adopted by Wolves novel Chapter 34

I got up and pulled Aaron with me towards the sea. We played in the water. Aaron lifted me up and threw me in the water quite unceremoniously. When I surfaced he was standing stiff and staring straight ahead. I followed his gaze. Carter was standing there on the beach. He looked worried and angry at the same time. Aaron and I walked near him.

"I am sorry for what I did earlier Aaron. Can we talk?" Carter said anxiously.

"It's okay. Just don't force me to do anything again." Aaron replied.

"Can we go somewhere private?" Aaron looked hesitant. Hurt crossed across Carter's face.

"Aaron give him a chance to explain himself." I said.

"What about you?" Aaron asked.

"I will walk back home anyway or Ryder will pick me up." I said smiling. I hope everything gets fine between them.

Carter nodded at me. I smiled at him and waved at Aaron. They left and I sat on the same log we sat earlier. Sun is already setting. How long were we here? I sat there watching the water. I shivered due to the cold wind. My clothes are still wet. I looked up towards the stars. How long did I sat here watching the waves?

So I was right about Asher. Maybe we weren't meant to be together. I don't know why I expect too much from people. Why don't I get used to people not wanting me in their lives? Maybe father was right. I wasn't supposed to be born. Everyone would be happy then. Because of me, father and mother got separated. Because of me the wolf spirits and the shifters world crashed into each other. Because of me uncle and aunt have to go through father and mother's hatred. Because of me Mathew almost got killed by papa. Because of me Asher got a mate who is not good enough. Maybe he would have got someone better if I wasn't born.

A sob broke out of my mouth. I touched my cheeks to find them already wet. When did I start crying? More sobs followed. I slid down the log and curled myself into a ball. I promised myself not to cry over my problems but I myself broke it. Why am I such a nuisance to the world? People get hurt emotionally and physically around me. Nobody can be happy around me. I should leave as soon as possible. It's really cold out here. My teeth are clattering due to the cold. I closed my eyes tightly to stop myself from crying. Maybe I should just sleep here tonight. It's a long way back to the cabin. Ryder and papa will get worried if they saw my face right now. My stomach is growling from hunger. I haven't ate anything after lunch in the school. I felt a presence on the beach behind me. Should I get up? I am hiccupping now from all the crying. Being invisible does not sound like an option here. The person must have heard me or maybe not because of the sound of the crashing waves. Just let me cry my heart out for once without anyone pitying me.

The person came right in front of me and crouched. I heard a gasp. Then I felt a warm hand on my cheeks. I opened my eyes. The person looked blur at first. I rubbed my eyes to get a clear view. It's none other than Asher. I got up in a sitting position. His eyes never left me.

"Um hi." I managed to say with my clattering teeth.

He didn't say anything. He removed his jacket and put it around me. The heat started to seep into me immediately. I felt a bit better. He took my hand and pulled me towards the foot of the hill. We went into the woods. He went ahead leaving me there and came out shifted in his wolf. He crouched down for me to climb. I was going to protest but he growled at me. I climbed on his back and held him tight burying my face in his neck. He is so warm. He stopped outside my cabin. I got off of his back. He went in the woods. I turned around and entered the cabin. He came in right after me. I thought he will leave. Maybe I was wrong.

Chapter 34- Amara 1


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