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A Graduation Gift novel Chapter 189

This woman had managed to see Rufus every day, but Cassandra could only see him once or twice a week at the most.

She brought lunch to his office every day, but it was rare for him to eat any food that Cassandra cooked.

Cassandra remembered the promise Rufus made to her the other day when he said that she was the only woman he loved, which sounded like a joke to her now or a dark joke, dangling in front of her face and smiling at her weirdly. Cassandra felt dizzy and started to rub her forehead.

"What's wrong with you, Cassandra? Are you okay?" Stella asked as she worried about her friend's sudden change of demeanor.

She noticed something strange about Cassandra. Her face turned pale and beads of sweat formed on her forehead.

"Nothing, I'm fine. Do you, do you know the name of that woman?" Cassandra struggled through to ask.

She was almost certain who the woman was, but was unwilling to accept it. She asked anyway as she hoped that Stella could give her a different name.

When she decided to be together with Rufus, she prepared herself mentally for that. She knew that a lot of women were after him due to his standing and good looks. Cassandra understood all that.

She had made up her mind to trust Rufus and believe everything he said to her. She took his promises seriously and was confident that she would laugh at all the gossips about him.

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you! Her name is Amanda Ke, a very popular pianist who is living in G City now!" Stella snapped out.

The name pushed Cassandra over the edge again. She stared at Stella's mouth as she spoke but couldn't hear any other words she said.

Her nightmare had come true.

The name being uttered to her felt like a sword stabbing into her heart and the pain was so great that it was difficult to breath.

"Oh, I saw her in the public service advertisement," she gasped.

Cassandra tried to act normal in front of Stella even with all the pain in her right now, but every word she spoke seemed to cost her last strength.

She was almost out of breath, everything was a blur in her eyes and she couldn't feel her arms and legs anymore.

"More than an advertisement, Cassandra! The Government of G City is going to make her the spokesperson of the Industrial Tourism District. They said that they would be able to enter the international market with the help of Amanda's global influence and position. Hoping this can improve the level of impact on the local tourism industry of the city. Oh, and they're going to select another outstanding local entrepreneur to work with Amanda…" Stella kept talking.

It seemed that Stella wouldn't stop talking until the end of time. Cassandra felt her chest blocked up as if a heavy rock was placed on it.

In the eyes of others, Amanda was talented and beautiful, and only a woman like her could stand by Rufus.


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