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Alpha Blake novel Chapter 5

  *****Two weeks before going to meet the allied packs.*****


  I woke up earlier than usual today. I need to meet with the pack elders today. I needed their opinion on something that has been bothering me lately. As alpha of my pack, it's my duty to maintain everything and everyone safe. I have been going through our archives lately, and there is something I just find so fascinating about learning about our own pack history... Who they were, and what they did, everything just seems so surreal and tantalizing to know about our own history. But..... The more I read, the more I realize that something isn't adding up.

  According to the archives, five years ago we had dozens of our women named warriors, but as I began counting the members we have lost and the ones still alive, we still have two women missing. They were never recorded, no name, no description.... nothing but a number count, and their gift bestowed upon them by our goddess, or, at least part of their gift... I have a feeling there's more than these puzzles missing here.

  Every time one of our pack members receives their calling, it gets recorded, whether it's to work for the pack as a warrior, a guard, a nurse, or a simple life of an omega. We even record when a person undergoes their first shifting, or when a new Luna is named, ....Everything must be recorded...

  I know a lot of packs treat their omega's like shit because they are the least important. But not in my pack, they are the most essential workers, because they are the ones that keep our living environment going. They do the essential jobs, like running the restaurants to cleaning, waitressing, etc. They deserve the same respect as the professionals in my eyes.

  I said goodbye to my wife this morning before I had to leave. Of course, I never bother telling her where I am going, because honestly, I don't like to bother her with my countless duties. I just don't think she'd be interested in the things I do.

  I arrived about ten minutes before the time of the meeting, all fifty of our elders were already present when I got there.

  I made my declarations and showed them the archives. Each one looked and questioned as they narrowed their gaze on the endless piles of documents before them. They seemed to be questioning everything among themselves, which was making me become nervous, thinking about what could be happening within my pack.

  My dad and father-in-law are now part of the elder council. I was not expecting what they were about to tell us when my dad took a stand. It seemed that no one in the council of our elders knew about the declarations he was confessing to us, and none had any idea what they had just declared.

  After they reviewed everything, and they heard my arguments, demanding answers for the two women missing; my mind went to complete shock, I was right about my suspicion all along. Why would they keep something so delicate from me? I was completely outraged.

  My dad and Chansey had never seen the darker side of me. I have always looked at them with full respect, regardless of me now being their alpha, but they were unprepared for my outburst.

  " Why didn't I know about this? As the present alpha of this pack, I had the right to know about these matters. Why would you keep this from me?" I yelled at them, I was so pissed off that they would keep matters so delicate from my knowledge.

  "Blake son, try to understand. This was a drastic decision that had to be taken at the last minute. We never meant any harm. If we had known that she was your mate we would have tried to figure a way for her to stay. We would have figured out a way to have sent someone else in her place." father said.

  "And why didn't you? Did you not see how hard it was for me to not have her here with me? She could have been killed." Dad took a step forward, trying to console me, "But she didn't get killed, son. She is back home safe...and-"

  "And that makes things better? It just makes things worse, if you ask me... Did you know she hasn't told me anything about this? She has kept it a secret all this time. Do...You...Have any idea how I feel about this? She's keeping secrets from me. She was in danger all along....gone for five years!" I paced around, angry. "I could have protected her!"

  "Alpha, please.... it is not her fault. She was ordered by us to do so. She loves you, my dear son. You have to understand that this is just as difficult for you as it is for her." My mind was a complete whirl of frustration and misunderstanding. My wife, the lead warrior of my pack? And I did not get acknowledge for this. How could I have not seen this coming? She is much braver than I'd seen, much braver... I have taken her for granted.

  "Alpha, we apologize for keeping this from you. We did not just keep this secret from you, but up to now from the day of her return, she has been kept away from her rightful duties. It is fair to say that we should speak with her and reevaluate her status with our goddess. We must find, if she is to stay as our lead warrior, or find someone to take over, her main priority now is to stand by your side. Until then, we ask that you please try and remain calm. We must not worry her more than she already is, we are aware she might be struggling to tell you the truth about her calling to our pack in terms of not hurting you. She must be devastated in her own mind of what she must do, please.....give us time to figure this out, we beg of you alpha?" I furrowed my eyebrows. This was too much for me to bear. My dear wife, a warrior? I can not allow it. I can not bear the thought of her getting hurt. 

  But I know that she is strong. I sense it in her. I am at loss here either way. I just got her back after so many years away from her, to think she will be a warrior and may get hurt makes my heartache at an inexplicable rate inside, all the way inside my soul.

  "Very well.... even if I do not like the idea of our Luna being our lead warrior, I know I must not go against what our goddess has chosen for her. I will give you until the day of my return from my meeting with our allied packs in a few weeks. Until then, she is to stay out of training and continue to live ONLY as our Luna. Is that understood?"

  "Yes, Alpha," They all reply in unison.

  I fixed the hem of my suit jacket, running my fingers through my hair as I exhaled a deep sight filled with turmoil. My heart felt heavy and filled with uncontrollable sadness. What am I to do if something was to happen to her? I have waited all my life for her... I would not be able to withstand ever losing her, I'd rather die than see her gone.

  "Alpha, I am as deeply surprised and shocked as you are about all this, hell, here we are...both thinking my sis is off at college and she's in the middle of combat training... fuck, who knew, huh? My little sister Selene kicking ass somewhere..." Ty, my beta smirks nervously.

  "Do you hear yourself? You sound just as bad as they do!! I can't believe all this. Do you know how worried I've been for my mate? Just to hear where she's really made matters worse." I paused myself, I needed to calm myself before I started the car and took off at full speed like I tend to when I'm angry.

  "Tyler, you have no idea how many thoughts are going through my fucking mind right now... I could have been protecting her all this time. The worst thing is, I have a feeling there is more to this story than meets the eye. And I am bound to find the truth one way or another." We sat in my car, I kept running my hand through my hair and face, frustrated and annoyed.

  "So what exactly are you planning on doing?" Ty turned, looking at me with a serious face.

  "I don't know, I guess we'll just have to wait and see," I said as I turned the ignition on. I placed it in drive and sped off back to the house. There is no way in hell I was going to keep her out of my sight now.


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