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Alpha Blake novel Chapter 6


  I laid in that hard small steel bed of the room. I held my eyes closed as I felt the sting of the needle pierce my skin. The overhead light blinding me. 

  The echo of the beeping sound of the machines checking my vitals, making me feel so damn irritating inside, as I tried to focus on staying still.

  The cold liquid pumping inside my veins, slowly making its way inside my body. Crawling through my veins as an invader through the night. It felt cold but exhilarating. 

  To be honest, I have no fucking clue what the hell it is they are injecting me with. Frankly, I don't give a shit.... all I know is....? It feels so damn good. 

  It's addictively exhilarating. It's my adrenaline, or at least that's what I call it. It makes me feel my powers and senses wake up to their peak, soon as this damn liquid hits me inside, my whole body intensified. 

  It's just so damn good. 

  My mind drifts off to an image in my head as I laid there. The image of myself at a young age. I must have been around seven. I had a bright yellow sundress. A wide smile plastered on my face, my laughter flowing with ease.

  Everything spun around as my mother's sweet voice made itself present. Her sweet voice hummed in my mind as she sang and laughed, grasping my hands and dancing with me, as we swirled around together. 

  "Faster mommy, spin me around faster," I called out between laughter.

  "Alright sweetheart... you ready, hold on tighter ok?" Her sweet voice pierced through my daydream.

  Laughing, holding hands, and enjoying each other's company. Her beautiful long waved hair, her long thin physique, skin radiant and fair... beautiful as she could ever be.

  My mind pulls back at the sudden intrusion of a harsh tapping sound James did, as he clashes his hand over the glass of the window.

  "Come on Princess, we ain't got all day." He tried to rush Jazzy to finish up,

  As she continued pumping me with my adrenaline. 

  "Fuck off will yah? She's almost done. Now, scram!"

  She has always managed to tick him off. Didn't matter if he was our lead alpha here.... she always told him off, and demanded him to treat me the same, being second in command. 


  There were about forty-something of us wolves out here in the middle of nowhere when we first arrived. We have been training for the last three years, getting close to four. We have been trained to kill, mercilessly. Doesn't matter who, or what. 


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