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Alpha Dorian (Alpha Brothers Box Set) novel Chapter 46

Chapter 18

"Shit." Alexander cursed loudly.

"What?" I asked.

"He is outside, I can sense him!" he told me.

"What now?" I asked him, panic rising in me.

I wasn't ready to face him yet, not now.

"Hide." he said, while pushing me under Ozymandius's table.

"But..." I started to protest, but before I could do so the door opened.

My heart raced its beat.

"Hola brother!" Alexander greeted him.

"What are you doing here?" he whispered, his morning voice so sexy.

Oh my hormones.

"Just came to find you." Alexander told him.

"And what do you want?" he asked.

"Well nothing except that I wanted your credit card, you know I visited Pearl yesterday and she was asking for some things." he told him.

The nerve of him, he was trying to gain some benefit from this situation.

I heard him take out his wallet from his pocket.

"Buy her anything she wants." he told him.

"Sure will." he told him happily.

And with that I heard the door close. How could Alexander leave me in a situation like this? I'm gonna kill him.

I heard Ozymandius walk towards his table, his boots making the perfect sound with the tiles.

And he stopped, just where the note was placed.

I peeked from the side, to see him reading the note. His hair was messy. The top buttons of his shirt were open, he looked tired, black circles dominated his under eyes.

He put the note in his pockets and ran a hand in his already messy hair. And then he smiled. Ozymandius smiled. His smile was the most unusual thing ever.

But it looked good.

I saw him turn his back to me, as he moved towards the curtains opening them, letting the sun's rays shine on him.

"You know, I can sense you tesoro" he said after a moment of long silence.

No he is not talking about me, I reminded myself.

"Pearl."he said, his voice now raspy as he turned around.

My breathe stopped in my throat.

I stayed hidden, but then I heard his footsteps making their way to me.

So me being me, too intimitated and scared by him, stood up.

His eyes immediately turned dark, his gaze never leaving mine. He took some steps closer to me, until we were inches apart.

I felt his arms slide around my waist as he push me forward to his chest.

My body was literally on fire, my gaze lingering on the floor. I felt his lips graze his mark on my neck, kissing it roughly.

His lips made their way up to my cheeks, not stopping the light pecks until they reached my lips.

His arms moved towards my ass, gripping it tightly.

"Do you know how crazy you are driving me roza?" he whispered, his voice extremely rough.

I looked in his eyes, licking my dry lips. His gaze flickered to my lips instantly.


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