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Anton Brotherhood novel Chapter 34

Later, Anton reassigned the 100 people once again. Then all leaders were satisfied.

On the third day after the above event, Anton gathered everyone together for another meeting. The first thing was the reorganization of the family. Dragon Regime, Tiger Regime, Leopard Regime, and Justice Regime were unchanged. Eagle Regime was added and its leader is Bruce. There was also a Wolf Regime. Hamlin was the leader of the Wolf Regime, and he also served as the training instructor of the family. And assassination, which was led by Bruce before, wastook over by Jason now. And its name formally changed to the Ghost Regime.

Fifteen nightclubs of Anton Brotherhood were supervised by Dragon, Tiger, Leopard, Eagle, and Wolf Regimes, and monitored by Justice Regime. The Ghost Regime mainly collects intelligence. When the Ghost Regime found that someone seriously endangered the family, then it could directly assassinate the person without consulting the family.

After the reorganization of the Anton Brotherhood, the family ran more systematically and all regimes were assigned clearly. A gang based on young people came to mature.

Later, the Youth Gang and Anton Brotherhood, two main forces of the “Anti-Tiger Gang Alliance” launched an attack on the Tiger Gang almost at the same time. Twenty of the 30 sites under the control of the Tiger Gang were attacked. Valerian Smith, the boss of the Tiger Gang in J City was anxious. He has launched several counterattacks, but all failed. He has been scolded by Yakov many times. Though Valerian was the boss of the Tiger Gang in J City, he was still a foreigner in the eyes of the Russian gangster. So Yakov was assigned to help Valerian (supervise him actually). Valerian understood that he dared not offend Yakov, so he had to bear severe scold.

At night, Valerian dispatched five hundred people and divided them into two groups. Two groups were led by his right-hand men, Dylan Harrison and Mathew Mckinley. Dylan led 300 people to attack secretly the headquarters of the Youth Gang, while Mathew led 200 people to attack the Anton Brotherhood, in order to break down the backbone of the “Anti-Tiger Gang Alliance” and help the Tiger Gang come through a crisis. However, the people Valerian dispatched were discovered by the Ghost Regime soon, the team reported the news to Anton timely.

Mathew, with a strong figure, was a famous outlaw in H City. He was about 30 years old. Mathew ranked top three in fighting and killing. He looked down on the emerging Anton Brotherhood. He thought the boss could let him attack the Youth Gang, but which was taken first by Dylan. So he was unhappy. Mathew got out of the Tiger Gang with 200 people. A large number of people could be noted easily, so he ordered his followers to move separately and met at the entrance of the garden near the Ghost nightclub in south city. Then, Mathew got into a van with a dozen people.

The van was driving south. Mathew, sitting in the van, was depressed and said loudly, “Fuck, Dylan is a fool. How can he do a sneak attack on the Youth Gang? Fuck!”

Mathew had a bad temper. His followers dared not to annoy him, and a clever person next to him took out the smoke and handed him, “Brother Mathew, smoke! Don't be angry. If Dylan's attack fails this time, you just have an excuse to push him out!”

Mathew thought about it and gave him a slap. “Fuck, do I need you to tell me what to do? I knew it.” Mathew said. “No! No! No! it’s my fault.” “Fuck you, Granny, drive fast! Don’t move like oxen pulling a cart!”

Half an hour later, the van reached the south of the city, where a few people were on the road. Although it’s still a part of the urban, the density of the population was not comparable to that of the city. Mathew had never been to the south of the city. Sitting in the van and looking at outside, he said, “Are we coming to the countryside. What a godforsaken place. Even birds did not choose to live here. Fuck!”

The driver laughed and said, “Brother Mathew, It’s not a simple place. Many drug addicts hide in this poor place. I heard that Anton could make millions of euros every month here!”

“Fuck.Millions a month? No wonder now Anton is so rampant! Fuck!” Mathew said. As they said, the van stopped, because two minivans were in the way. The driver turned back and asked Mathew, “Brother Mathew, there seems to be a crash in front of us, we can't pass.”

Mathew stuck his head up through the window to watch what had happened. Then he said to the person next to him, “What a fucking trouble. Ask two men to let the cars give way.” Two of the men nodded and got out of the car.”

“Hey, get out of my way. You are blocking the road. We can’t pass. Do you know it?” The men said while walking,

The doors of the minivan were opened and four people got out of the minivan. A young man came first. This man was tall, with dark skin and a strong build. He came to the two followers of Mathew, and said, “Is Mathew in the car?”

The two men were stunned about why this young man knew Mathew was in the van. And they asked curiously, “Are you Mathew’s friends?”

The young man looked back at the three men behind him and smiled, “Yes, they are!” After that, the four men took guns from their arms and shot two men almost simultaneously. The two men did not figure out what was going on before they were shot through the brain, because they had no preparation and the distance was too close. The four men did not stop, crossing over the bodies on the ground and heading to the van where Mathew was in.

Mathew saw what was happening outside clearly in the van. As soon as the gunfire rang, he knew he had gone into the trap. “Back up! Back up!” Mathew shouted to the driver. The scream woke the driver. The driver drove the car back quickly, ignoring the men who had fallen on the ground.

When the short young man, who had shot first just now, saw them running, then he smiled at the three men behind him and said, “When you are facing the enemy, keep a cool head under all circumstances. Just like that, we don't have to panic when the enemy wants to run, holding the gun steady. Focus on the enemy, and you will hit them. While the young man was saying, he was lifting his gun and stood in the middle of the road. He remained unmoved under the strong night wind with the muzzle of his gun aiming at the back van.

“Bang...” A spark flashed at the muzzle. Only saw a bullet shot through the windshield of the van 20 meters away, and entered the driver's head. The driver did not make a sound and lay on the steering wheel. Then the blood ran out of his head. As a result, the van crashed into a roadside tree. The people in the van screamed with horror and pulled out their guns and ran off the car.”

Four young men were shotting at the runners with their guns, giving them no respite. After the shots, more than a dozen of Mathew's followers were shot and fell on the ground just ran out and fell to the ground. Four men slowly walked to the car, and then the short young man knocked on the car with a gun handle, saying, “Get out of the car, Mathew.”

Sitting in the van, Mathew, just felt what was death. Although he had killed many people, the hand holding the gun shook uncontrollably. Mathew swallowed saliva and said, “You... Who are you?”

The young man laughed and said, “Who dares to be so bold in south city. You can guess. You can be proud because you will die in the hands of the Ghost Regime.” After that, the young man bent over and pulled Mathew out of the car. A man next to him knocked out the gun in Mathew’s hand. Mathew knelt on the ground and yelled, “Don't... Don't kill me.”


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