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Ascension of a Gamma novel Chapter 19

Chapter 19 Restraining lealousy

No wonds could describe how

relieved I was that she agreed to come to my pack. I didn’t give a fuck att

the conditions, but I did intend on following her “rules” for now. It’d be a lot

of fun playing with her once we get back.

We left the house and I asked her for directions on where

my men could meet up with us. She was shocked to hear that I had already

prepared for it, but guided me, nonetheless. I wasn’t allowed to get close to

her but having her near me was enough, for now.

So…uhm… you’re really alright with me being wolf-less?”

she asked, again.

Ever since we left the house, she kept MI NOTE 95 VAD CAMERA

Tcha, my sis, and

Alois had no

prablem with it, and the first WWETE ENGİZ ia meet her. I kept racing my

brain to figure out how to assure her that t didn’t matter, that one bit.

+You can ask me as many times as you want and my answer

will always remain the same – it doesn’t matter to me,” I answered.

“But… you’re an Alpha,” she said.

“That makes you my Luna.”

“Doesn’t it bother you at all? You need someone strong

beside you, right?” she argued. “A wolf less Luna can’t protect a pack, or

anyone else. I’m basically human, you know.”

“Goddess willed it, and I accept,” I -replied.

have her bARI,

sell my mate.

We contined to walk in silence, with her i

could watch from behind her all day.

There’s my lina right there.

She suddenly stopped and faced me with a dubious look on

her face.

Walkbeside me,” she said.

“Cause I can feel you staring at my ass and it’s making me

uncomfortable H

I smirked and jogged to her. With my looks and position,

she was the first to tell me to stay away from her, and for five fucking


as I heard his

“Maybe if you kiss me, I’ll think about i

half-serious about it, as I walked beside her. This was better – our shoulders

were almost touching.

Tinternally groaned. That made me sound like a lovesick teenager.

She walked faster. Oh, she was ignoringm

e now

“Slow down, mate. We’ll get to the pack, don’t worry about

She continued to ignore me and keep walking Now I was

confused – what did I do? Annoy her?

“Mate. mäte… mate… mate… MY

***I ji want to have a CHIVETS учні, алеl you kеер


ignoring me,” I replied, feigning a pimed expression

She rolled her eyes at ne and didn’t say anything more I

sighed, Convincing her might be difficult..

“I promise you’ll get well taken care of. N o one will hurt

you in my pack.”

She still wouldn’t reply.

Thank you for trusting me, Anna.”

Someday, I’ll be calling her with her full name – Anna


“I don’t trust you… not completely. Second condition,


dering her suspicion of The Fumans weren’t all they’re udta brand

I don’t really mind them because they helped build amputation

“Is it true you…” she said but tralled aft,

*Ask away, be. I’ve nothing to hide.” I sall haping

“Tonight -,” she said, looking up at the stars before


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