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Ascension of a Gamma novel Chapter 21

Chapter 21 Welcome Luna

“The Goddess maladher tam,

ple, “Luck has nothing to do with it.

If you say so. Have you told her about her yet?

“What? Didn’t have the time?” he asked. “You’re going to break her heart, man.”

“Break her heart? Have you been watching those films again?

“Like I have a choice,” he muttered. “She shut you up good though, that’s a first for a long time now.”

The one person who could instantly calm me down when I snapped was my first mate. She was a kind soul, and she wouldn’t let me end up in situations that I’d later regret. My light – she was taken from me and I found myself in the dark.

I hoped to find my second mate, which was rare for werewolves, but I had no

Fut the moment wher, the moment herrit dmd my system, I couldn’t help myself from doing what I did. Her feistiness, and how she snapped at me like I wasn’t the Alpha – she was the list to square up to me in a long time,

By default, she was my Luna, a position which no sane woman would decline, except her – I couldn’t even use it to bargain with her! She was ready to leave – she would’ve, but something held her back. Maybe I’d ask about it someday when she trusted me enough to tell me. 1

One encounter, and my wolf was tamed.

One night, and my mind had conjured up our future.

I think… I might actually fall for you.

“You asleep?” Gale asked. “I didn’t mean to bring her up. Sorry.”

“It’s alright, Gale. We can’t keep pretending that she didn’t exist.”

“I have a few thing in mind. That old Han better concede. I won’t let himn take away my mate this time.” I looked down a

the sloping b y an my lap and moved the stray strands of hair on her face “Not my Anna’

“We’ll loep an eye out for him,” Gale assured. *This time, we will protect our Luna, no matter what it takes.”

Our conversation ended and we stayed silent on the rest of the drive. I offered to switch places with him, not that I’d let him be a pillow for my baby, but he declined, saying I should take advantage o f this moment. Typical Gale = more than mny Beta, he was more of a younger brother to me, and just like Lexy, he knew me quite well.

I lost my first mate because I failed to protect her. To this day, only a handful of people knew about the truth. It was too painful for us, and so we wanted to spare the pack. The pack believed she died from -the rogue attack, though there was more t o it than that – a sinister truth that I was

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and her with her kned , which Was tur the she didn’t have to know for now, and when the dini seles, I’d tell her everything

As a wolf-less Werewolf, she’d be an easy target to get to me. Basically human, she wasn’t gifted with the abilities of our kind. This made her physically weak, but her fiery attitude sure covered it up.

For now, we’d have to keep it a secret. And when the time was right, everyone would know. My pick would stand by her, and anyone who opposes would have to answer to me

My second mate, my Luna, my one last chance


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