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Ascension of a Gamma novel Chapter 27

Chapter 27 Umarmored Knight

My back hit the ground, but that was all I felt – no sharp teeth an my skin, na thick slobber. Then I heard another growl, heard a heavy thud, followed by a whimper. I opened my eyes and to my left I sw that a new wolf had come from nowhere, baring his teeth at the rogue, who was lying to his side, bleeding from huis neck

I quickly got to my fert, preparing to sprint back, hoping the newcomer wouldn’t notice. It was a wolf with brown and black fur and unlike the rogue whose wolf looked malnourished and savage, this one looked stronger and more composed.

The new wolf lunged for the rogue and I looked away. The image of the wolf ripping off the rogue’s throat – I didn’t want it ingrained in my memory. My legs scurried forward, and I rafi towards the castle. Whether it was a bad move or not “didn’t matter. I just had to get back.

A growl came from behind. I heard it

Dailchimp to me. I didn’t abik

It was suddenly in front of me, blockingm y path, its Wooly muzzle pointed at me. I t snarled as it walked towards me. This

he was marage but it killed its

human. Huit why?

Which pack was it from? Who sent him here?

It carried itself with a certain air of arrogance, deep green eyes cold and piercing, and it seemed to be smirking, knowing full well that it had already won. My breath hitched in my throat, my hands shaking, as my gaze met his.

L.. my last days was… new friends… the call… Liam…

Was this what it was like when one was about to die – regrets, wishing I could’ve done better. Even this last week was full o f pain and anger. But it wouldn’t be so bad – I missed him.

Ismiled at the wolf. “Don’t make it hurt,” I said before closing my eyes and welcoming death.

Hew lis maith and his longlie llicu s if he was yawning in Lilly. Did Interrupt your sleep

He replied with a low growl which made me laugh. Shifting to his side, I hooked in y arm around his neck and gave him a kiss. Then I husd his head to my chesi.

Thank you,” I said,

He pulled away from me and I let go. He stood and went behind the trees, hidden from sight. “What’s wrong?” I asked. Did I do something wrong?

“Would you prefer me clothed or naked?” he replied, in a deep manly voice that could make a woman fall in love. My cheeks heated up – at his voice or his question – I didn’t know. He had that one in a million kind of voice that almost Seemed inhuman due to its rarity.

Goddess, if this was his voice..

A hand came into view, holding a basketball short. “Well?” he asked, “I “don’t have all day, Anna.”



”Which one would you prefer?” I asked, playing his game. His laughter sonde better, and I was totally boy crazy right now. If he emerged from there looking

My eyes widened as he showed himself, leaning on the tree with his arms folded across his chest and a smirk on his handsomne face. He was too good looking, and he knew it, and he was flaunting it at me. Every muscle in his body was well-defined and well proportioned, giving him a neat sexy look. And his abs were hot – I counted eight – my eyes following the deep V line that led to…

I looked away.

Hechuckled, knowing I just eye raped him. He was arrogant, but he had a reason to be “Like what you see?

“I’ve seen better,” I replied. When the warriors back at the pack were training, the Omegas would spy at them from the mansion’s windows, giggling to themselves as they picked out their

PHOTOS – I wasn’t Carson, it was the ner liest apa. Non of them really Niech testy ITH, pl Carson but ta’ was more because of the curse, so this man standing in front of menas literally having a drum came true. Straight up the TTL of my dreams

“Who are you?” I asked, finding my langue. He knickered, then was suddenly i n my face

“Your hero,” he said, minuty breath blowing on my face

*Uh… I guess,” I said, distancing myself from him. What was he doing in the forest, naked of all things! “I meant to ask your martie. ”

Rigel,” he replied, “Rigel Johnson, Head Gamma of the Red Claw Pack and your krnight without an armor, Lima.”

He’s perfect.

#Anna Bella Fiora. And I’m not your

I turned to head back to the castle, my eyes satisfied. “You weren’t in training?” I asked, making small talk

He stood and continued walking Besides, I don’t want you losing a limb or breaking a nail or losing a tooth. It’ll lessen your appeal, and frankly, you don’t have much.” Scratch that – he’d be more annoying to Carson than I ever was – I had to up my game. Catching up to him, I linked my arm with his, the feel of his hard biceps simply amazing i


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