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Ascension of a Gamma novel Chapter 33

Chapter 33

lank Goddess…

“She’s a werewolf,” Liam replied, beckoning for me to go

to him. I went to his side and he snaked a n arm around my waist, pulling me closer

to him. Salina scoffed and rolled her eyes.

For a second, I thought I misjudged her, o r maybe it was

because I was taking Liam from her. If the person I love was snatched away from

me, regardless of the reason, I’d be bitter too. So, I understand where she was

coming from

Liam’s hold tightened around me as if assuring me that

everything was alright. I hoped it was or a t least would. At this moment, I

trusted him with everything – mine, and ours. He had the power to take what he

wanted in any manner he wished, and I trusted that we were in the same boat.

“She doesn’t smell like a werewolf,” said Salina, her tone

Salina, her tone

dry. “She’s human.”

“She’s a werewolf and she’s my mate. I found her on the

day of the mating ceremony which means the terms of the agreement must be

complied with,” Liam said, cutting me


I managed a small smile on my face. He just called me his

mate. He called me his mate! And he saw me as a werewolf? Me, the wolf-less 1

one, the oddity, the one in a billion rarity of the bad kind.

Pride swelled in my chest and my insecurities didn’t

matter anymore. Liam saw me as one of our kind and had fully accepted me as his

mate. I didn’t care that I wasn’t as beautiful as Salina. I didn’t care that Aunty

I thought I was a replacement. I didn’t care that Alpha Myron disapproved of

care that Alpha vyron disapproved of

  1. me. I didn’t care that Salina judged me.

I had once hoped for my mate to come to find me and take

me away from my old pack. I had once dreamed that my mate would look at me and

find me suitable for him – that he would accept me for who I am and not reject

  1. me. I once prayed to the Goddess for a mate who’d treat me kindly. All these…

because a small part of me wanted to use my mate if I ever had one. Use him to

get out. It was a horrible motive, but I was imprisoned. Bound to a promise,

held down by guilt.

Liam did all of it. He took me away from there, he

accepted me, and he treated me like I was worth it when I couldn’t even find it

in myself. I was using him. When I started to feel this way towards him, I

couldn’t pinpoint the exact point in time. But I wanted this, now more than

But I wanted this, now more than


They were discussing, more like debating about the

agreement. I couldn’t hear them. My thoughts were on him, all I could see was

him – his face placid, his hold on me tight

The world faded around me and he was the only clear

picture. My mate, my Alpha. The one person in the world who could gather my

broken pieces and put them back together. The man who brought out the best in

me, the real me. It took me some time to realize that he meant what he said


You are my Luna…

It was so simple to him. I was his mate and so I was his

Luna. My position, my condition, never mattered to him. The logic was simple.

mattered to him. The logic was simple.

Did I overcomplicate things that didn’t need much thinking?

He knew what he wanted and how he wanted it and he had the

power to take it. I now know what I wanted, and I’d gamble my heart again to

get it.

I couldn’t hear him now. All I saw was my mate… and his

soft, beautiful lips.

My hand reached out on its own and touched the side of his

face. He stopped talking, startled and looked down at me. I pulled his face

towards mine as I stood on my toes to kiss him. It felt right. This was right.

His soft lips and the sparks that lit up within me were

proof enough. The arm around me that pulled me closer to him was proof. He was

mine, and I was his.

Alpha Myron and Salina and the rest of

ha Myron and Salina and the rest of the world seemed so

far away. It was now just Liam and me. M y other hand went to the back of his

head to deepen the kiss. He dominated m y mouth, using his tongue to explore

every deep crevice, seductively sliding with mine. I moaned into the kiss,

letting go of the butterflies that were trapped in my stomach. They fluttered

all over the confined space inside of me, their wings pleasantly tickling me

all over.

Liam pulled away and I gasped for air. His eyes were soft.

They looked at me with a newfound twinkle and they darkened with desire. He

desired me… the girl who got rejected, the girl who was disgraced. Heat crept

up my cheeks. I didn’t care.

“Not without a fight,” Alpha Myron said. “There’s only one


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