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Ascension of a Gamma novel Chapter 36

Chapter 36 Alpha Duel


It was almost nighttime. The pack kept pouring in into the open field in the woods, which we used for pack gatherings, often for families to hang out at night. Rigel was helping set up the bonfire, keeping his distance from me for


There was no laughter in their eyes. Instead, a worrying tension that they failed to hide from me. Surprisingly, the children were present, a lot of them. They could’ve chosen to stay at their homes, attending tonight’s event was optional. Pride swelled in my chest – they’re a good pack.

They could’ve berated me for accepting the challenge but here they were, supporting me. How could I possibly let them down?

A link tried to connect. It was Gale.” Alpha, everyone is in position.”

“Don’t let your guards down.”

They replied with a unified answer, in a

ey replied with a unified answer, in a reassuring tone.

“Yes, Alpha.”

Opening a private link with Gale, I asked, “How’d Anna take it?”

“The Delta Unit is guarding her room for now. She’ll be there soon. They’ll be right behind her.”

“And Lexy?”

“She’s with Luna, Alpha.”

“I see. I’m cutting the link for now. Keep me updated on the Delta Unit’s channel.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

Angry flames ate the wood prepared, casting pale yellow flickers on everyone’s eyes, the shadows hiding their tight closed lips. I smiled as a familiar scent came from behind me. Pretending not to notice, I kept seated on the log.

Then a pair of warm hands covered my eyes.

I heard a giggling, and my smile widened.

“”Hmm… who could this be?” Lasked

mm… who could this be?” I asked playfully, picturing a pout on her face.

I molded my hands into hers, reveling at the sensations she woke in me.

“Let me guess. Should I start guessing from A or Z?”

I heard the click of a tongue.

That annoyed her?

“I’ll start with A. Hmm… Alia?”

Those hands harshly pulled themselves off. Then a loud hit landed on the back of my head, shaking my brain cells.

“Who is this Alia?” she snapped, standing in front of me with a hand on her hip

I’d tell her but it was way too soon.

Rubbing the back of my head, I replied with a smile.

“No one, babe. I was just messing with


She pouted.

There it is.

There it is.

“Come here,” I said, motioning for her to sit beside me.

With a little assistance, she was seated, watching our people fill the grounds. Two more bonfires were set up, far smaller than the first. We sat in silence, with her leaning on me and my arm around her waist. This was almost everyone. The Red Claw Pack, my pack, and now hers as well.

Her hand found mine and our fingers intertwined. I brought it up for a kiss. I could never get enough of her.

If she looked closely, she’d see that the mark had reached up the sleeves of my shirt now. And if I took it off, the mark was already on my chest. This would be the last – her silence was killing a part of me.

A new scent wafted into the air. They were here. Alpha Myron and Salina in front with their men behind them, joined my pack. They kept their distance, occupying one side.

“Anna -“I began, but she cut me off.

This time, she brought my hand closer to

is time, she brought my hand closer to her lips. Soft, gentle, unrushed. Her eyes looked up at me with clarity instead of fury.

“For the pack,” she said, and forget that everyone was there, I captured her lips, feeling the softness of them as I pressed harder.

Then I got up, and without looking back, headed straight to where Myron stood – i n front of the biggest bonfire. Salina and Rigel were on both sides of him.

“You showed up,” I said in a bored tone.

“I challenged you. As Alpha, I remain true to my word.”

“Remember that,” I said.

They will always make you.

“Who will officiate the duel?” he asked.” This pack has no elder in sight.”

All elders were at the Red Circle.

And Sister Katrina was nowhere to be found as well. None of the members had seen her, and neither did I since this morning


“I’d like to nominate Rigel. As you are already known, he’s my Head Gamma. With your consent…”

He gave Rigel a quick look. “So be it.”

“Salina, why don’t you find yourself a seat?” he said, an arm around her waist a s he directed her out of the way. “I think their Luna needs company.”

She gave me a side glance, the usual spite in her expression gone, replaced by sadness. That… couldn’t have been right. Salina knew no such thing.

“Such a beautiful thing,” he said, sighing. “Pity how you can’t see it.”

“I’ve seen enough,” I said coldly.

Steel gray eyes stared back at me, determined to “put me in my place”. Ten years ago, I would’ve looked away. I wasn’t the same person now. I had grown and changed. I wasn’t a young boy; I was now an Alpha

As we stared down at each other, Rigel interrupted.

“Let’s get this over with,” he said,

et’s get this over with,” he said, yawning

Did he just fucking yawn? 4

I was risking my life here and he was bored from this? Maybe Gale was right – I might’ve been too lenient on him.

My pack behind me, and his pack behind him, they gathered in an imperfect circle around us. They were about twenty-eight meters away to give us the space we needed. Rigel’s voice was loud and clear a she addressed everyone present.

“Tonight, the two packs have come together to witness the traditional duel between Alphas, challenged by Alpha Myron Knox of the Blue Moon Pack and accepted by Alpha Liam of the Red Claw Pack. Let the death marks bear testimony that the Moon Goddess has given them her blessing.”

That was what it was – a blessing. Myron began to unbutton his shirt as Rigel continued. A little girl came up to him, holding a golden goblet in each of her hands.

“Let the ceremonial wine warm their

Det the ceremonial wine warm their spirits, that it may give them the courage to see the duel to its end.”

Rigel took the goblets from her and handed them to us. I emptied the content, the fiery taste of wolfsbane burning all the way down to my stomach.

It felt warm at first then it began to spread to my limbs, getting hotter and hotter by the second. I shrugged my shoulders and stretched my neck, ignoring the burning heat. I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, the weight of their anxiety boring on my back. They supported me with a silent trust. None opposed my decision. It was all riding on me now.

“The Alpha Duel has two rules: One, the winner, or in his absence, his second-in command, gets to enforce his terms, and the defeated must give his Alpha Word, or in his absence, his second-in-command must give his Beta word, to accept those terms; and two, the defeated is the Alpha who perishes first or surrenders.”

“Myron kept a calm demeanor all

throughout, his arms to his sides with a thoughtful expression on his face. His

ughtful expression on his face. His eyes were set on me, shifting from timet o time to the background.

“Alphas, name your Betas,” said Rigel.

“Beta Gale Gavyn,” I said aloud.

A snarl came from behind me, followed b y howls.

“I have none,” said Myron. “My daughter, the future Luna shall take the Beta’s place.”

Howls came from his own pack.

“I accept.”

Rigel nodded, then stepped back from us.

Myron took off his shirt, showing the death marks that were almost upon his heart. We were running out of time,

He lowered himself on a solid stance. His breathing was controlled, and his eyes on me. His pack howled for him, and he raised both arms in a defensive position.

I raised my shirt over my head and threw i t to the side. My pack howled, a plethora o femotions pulsing through the open channel. It felt hotter still. I hadn’t drunk

Annel. It felt hotter still. I hadn’t drunk wine with wolfsbane in a while.

Almost close to where the pack had gathered, Rigel stopped and got on all fours. It took him a few moments to shift into his wolf. Once that once done, he looked us over.

“Come,” said Myron.

Rigel raised his head to the moon and howled

I was on him immediately, my first punch blocked by his arm. I didn’t give him a split second to adjust as I continued to rain combinations on his head and body, finding a weak spot. He blocked them all. Not a single hit landed.

When I was still training under him, I couldn’t defeat him. But it was different now. This wasn’t a practice session; this wasn’t a game. There were too many at stake, too much to lose.

I didn’t let him breathe as I joined in kicks along with the punches, alternating between low kicks and high kicks. He was ‘faster still.

He dodged all my attacks, without having

dodged all my attacks, without having taken a single step back. As expected of m y father’s disgraced Beta.

I retreated in five steps, keeping my distance from him. My body was heating up, my breathing ragged, and beads of sweat rolled off my forehead.

That must’ve been a really strong mix, I don’t remember it having this effect on m e. 1

I filled my air with lungs, keeping my face straight and my stance solid. 2

“You let your guard now,” a voice whispered in my ear, followed by a punch aimed at my abdomen. I dodged to the side at the last second, still keeping my distance. My limbs felt heavier, and my heart hammered in my chest as I struggled to breathe. Everything felt hot like I was burning in flames but on the inside.

“You don’t look so good, boy,” said Myron who was suddenly beside me.

A powerful roundhouse kick landed on the side of my head, and I was lifted off the ground only to land back down. A

Oground only to land back down. A ringing in my ears made me dizzy, and m y vision a little blurry. I got back up with constrained effort, the cold wind making me shiver as it blew on my sweaty back.

I swayed on my feet, confused as to what just happened or what was happening. I planted my feet firmly on the ground and raised my arms for defense, but before m y eyes could see clearly, a punch landed o n my right cheek, then on my left. My head spun and my vision went hazy, pain registering on my brain from the beating.

“You should know by now, boy,” he said i n a harsh tone. “You always lose to me.”

meworu Out on me.



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