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Ascension of a Gamma novel Chapter 5

Chapter 05 Serond Chance 

I wanted to senam but my throat lela 

What does he want? 

what does he plan to do

Why is the looking at me like that 

Did Toffend hlm SanchOW

Questions as sinch raced through my mind, but I had no answers for any. He Jooksmall steps and buffed deep breathes like he was trying to kerp himself in control, his gorgeous browni orbs glued on ine

Wait, gorgeous? What are you saying


He stopped halfway, closed his eyes and the deadly na emanating from him disappeared in an instant I watched his lips parties he breathed out, as his tongue peeked to trace the inside curve of his lower lip. For relsons unknow, I set off butterflies in my stomach

The dirthing cand and when he pues, his face which haftenens . For aning in Tamil meania. Do you 

My maith felagape at his words, unable to respond. The mighty Alpha apologized and askel for person 

My pomisjon

It was as if the scary Alpha was an illusion and this was the real one polite with an incredibly SEXY VOILE 

Ah! Siap it, brain! Youre supposed to be the voice ofrecen here

He opened his eyes, the intensity in them gone and he smalled a little. He looked like he was carved to perfection by the Moon Goddess herself and She blessed him with a smile like it was an ultimate Weapon lo disarm a womans defenses 

He mustve seen through ine because he Stilrked, my reaction seemingly normal for him and I could tell he liked it

May I?he asked again

Texpected him to charge and direct ihnea 

Aported him to changer and direct those Intruse emotion but herlinwhich w usplclots; Ho winArthug He with the mold Hew supposed to be a coldliearted murderes who take pleasure in the destruction of a pack. Every Alphuistered clear off his way in le of lncurring his wrath He Hiled his own parents, huis own mate, and here I was getting flustered at the handsome devil in front of me 

Hes dangerous. He should be. Yet here he was, smiling at me, and acting all civil

The little voice in my head told me to let him and I mindlessly obeyed, nodding y head. His shoulders relaxed. Mine 

He sat at the foot of the bed, keeping his distance, looking away from me. Before ! could catch myself, I let out a relieved sigh. My hand immediately shot to cover my mouth and he chuckled in response. It sulted him too

What am I thinking

TThank you, Alpha,I whispered

His head turned to face me and with an 

head turned to face me and within robowalsed he inquind. Alpha?Thank you, Alpha Lam, Sir!I hurriedly replied, realizing my mistake

Helighed and slowly bol up. His eyes settled on me and he inched closer and closer. My heart raced and the butterflies retum . I directed my gaze on my hands, knuckles white from clutching onto the sheets. Then his hand appeared

my line of sight, molding onto mine 

Tinstinctively raised my head; he was staring at me. His cyes darkened; he growled, and my breath hitched in my throat 

Hes going to kill me

I scampered on the bed, attempting to pul distance between us. I understand now = he was restraining himself from lashing out because I disrespected him.

probably expected some sort of gesture ! o show respect the moment he walked in hes the freakinAlpha and like an Idiot, I stayed on the bed and gawked at hire 

A huge arm wrapped around my stomach 

GUCA wrapped round my stomachi und pulled me back, I suffened when my luack callided with something hard. Cold air brushed my hale from above as his chest rose and tell and I could feel the hurd nulis beneath his shini contracting His woodland fragrance filled my lungs, making my head spinas strange sensations erupted within me

My ears picked up on his thumping heart and every beat of mine synced with his own, an endearing calming rhythmn. We were creating a song, aplere unique to u s, and it was beautiful I found myself being lulled into it I could listen to this forever 

Ileaned into his stony chest, my head Euming to the side, lost in the bearing 


Then another arm slithered its way down may left shoulder and moved to my right, entrapping me to him and my senses jolted back to reality

Hes going to choke me

I frantically pulled at his arms to get it away from my neck but he tightened his hold and pressed me to him and 

danded me to him and 

mething hard poke my lower bank but ilgiored IL He was too strong, I could ctly whunuper and wait for the mifloration while my body continued to Teach oddly in his hold

*TPlease dont,I whispered, hoping to TEVE Ever of mercy

He didnt reply, Instead, my right. shoulder dipped at the weight of his head He inhaled sharply like he was taking in my scent and I shuddered at the thought. Warın breathis fanned the side of my nick giving me goosebumps and tingling on my studiach

Then something soft and wet came in contact with my skin and slowly traced a path from my clavicle up to my jaw. The tingles intensified and I involuntarily let out a throaty moan. He mustve liked what he heard, for next, he licked and sucked on the delicate skin, and I moaned louder, for him 

He whispered something, I couldnt quite catch it except for the last two words.. found you,he had said

Ah... you did, Alpha 

My head in a doze as my boily succumbed In the pleasure and I found myseld wanting...tulee mure

Alpha,I let out, my voicelow indallen 

His reply was a sensual whisper. I know, my dear.” 

Ah,I breathed when his lips brushed Anst my marking spot 

My marking spol

My marking Spot 

My marking sport 

My head cleared in an instant, the tingles disappeared and I pushed on his arms

LLet me go!I screamed but he didn‘t budge so I kicked and twisted in his hold until he complied 

I crawled to the other side of the bed but iny hand slipped on the edge. I was supposed to fall to land on the floor but I fell into his ams instead

Careful, my dear,he said, a worried look on his face. Are you hurt

ered closer to my face with a playli) mile on lis face saying. Now, where 


N Nal Stay away from me!I pushed his head away from me as I creamed for 

The door suddenly swung ajar, snehody heard. A woman barged in: it was Lexy Slie looked ready to say something but fraze when she sw US 

He was on his knees, holding me like a princess while my hands were still pushing his head Tears invariably stralced my cheeks and my voice craiced when I spoke 

I wis then that she recover 

Let go of her, now!she demanded, her checks turning red in anger 

Alpha llam sighed, stood then put me down on the bed

She polnted outside and said, Out!” 

D Lite that toe on , Lexy,he Teplied in a ton thuit didnt hide the latt thula was passed 

!!! Now, Liam!” she said, inching his 

He growled at her, warning her to back off I saw his hands ball into fists as his jaw clenchel Lexy did the same

Oh, no. What was I thinking! Calling for help, there was no one who could standu p to this man

This isnt what you think, Lexy,he said through grittel teeth, but she Scoffed in return 

I didnt know why she wasnt afraid of fiim. If it were anyone else, they wouldve highralled it out of here. Or maybe she wanted to but she was trying to protect m e Perhaps she knew he wouldnt harm 


Why shed defy him for me when we didnt even know each other. Tf I let them go at it, it would create an opening for me to escape. But given his reputation, it would end in blood. And I didnt want her 

idend in Liloaul. And Idnt want her to get killed 

He took a step forward but before he could take another, I pulled on his shirt o stop him And immediately regrettedi 

He directed his attention to me and I looked down. Because I didnt want to look into his eyes again. Not when I could feel the intensity of his game on me i swallowed the lump in my throat. My Voice was shalcy wiren I pleaded, Please ...dau.. dont dll her 

He didnt reply. He stood there watching me, without a saying word. Lexy was silent as well 

Is that what you think of me?he askal, a hint of pain in his voice. And a part of m e wanted to comfort him, and take my words back

He gently removed my hand from his shirt and gave it a light squeeze. His hand was bigger than mine and was so warm, I was oddly comforting 

Look at me,he said and Iralsed my head 

His gaze metine and without breaking 1 Towered himself to place a soft his on the back of my hand 


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