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Be My Mate novel Chapter 22

Aiden's POV

"What the fuck was that?" I say, barging in to my brother's room.

"Oh calm down. I just wanted to ruffle her feathers a little bit, I meant no harm." Luka responds, lying down on his bed.

"Oh don't give me that shit!" I say before pulling him up by his collar.

"You did more than ruffle a few feathers..." I say, pushing him back down on the bed but he gets back up, standing a few feet from me.

"Okay fine! Your little mate will not become the ruler, her little family can't just waltz back in here and take over like they never left. They left and we picked up the pieces, my family was the one the people looked up to." Luka says to me.

"Oh that's what this is about? You're pissing your pants because you can't be the boss anymore? No more little freebies?" I joke about, trying to annoy him and it works.

"You know what our life was like! Don't act humble now, you enjoyed all that it had to offer." Luka tells me and I chuckle.

"I'm not acting humble and to correct you, I will still enjoy the benefits as I am mated to the daughter of the first family." I say, looking out the window as the sun sets in the heavenly realm.

Luka chuckles with me, before his face contorts to one of anger.

"Bastard!" He shouts out and I smile back at him.

"I am no longer part of this family so what you do to her, you do to me. If you form a resistance against her, you are forming one against me and I will fight you. I will not hesitate to end you or father if you ever come for what rightfully belongs to my mate. She had to overcome so much to get here and I  won't let you or that scum of a father take it away when she has not even taken over for 2 minutes." I say, the anger returning ten fold inside me.

Luka smiles back.

"And because you wish my mate harm, your mate will also be fair game and we both know she's no Sabrina. We both know she won't survive whatever I plan for her." I say honestly.

I cared for Leslie, I still do but as beasts we protect our own by harming the other. If any harm comes to my mate, I need to lay it all out on what I would do to avenge her.

"This has nothing to do with Leslie! You leave her out of this?" He shouts at me.

"Or what? What will you do that you're not already doing to my mate?" I ask.

"Sabrina doesn't belong here and you know it!" Luka says to me, making me growl.


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