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Entrapped To Alien Lords Free chapter novel Chapter 5


I was flipped and pulled up to my knees. My arms crossed awkwardly in front of me and I felt something small, soft, and wet lapping against me back there.

"Please no, Master, that's dirty. Please, don't do that," I begged wiggling around.

A tongue ran up my spine and to my hair line. I was sure it was Master Evan's body that now covered mine.

"No more protesting Ciara, it is unbecoming," he whispered nipping my ear.

Finding it had flavor he tasted my ear completely, pressing his tongue into my canal. I loved to have my ears played with and moaned as he tasted. It was brought to his attention I had two ears. He moved my head so he had access to the other one. For me, it was heaven.

"Do you like that, Ciara?" he asked me using his big fingers to continue to stroke and pull on my ears.

"Yes, Master," I moaned getting lost in his hands.

"Use my name Ciara, every time," he requested returning his lips to my ear.

"Yes, Master Evan," I replied.

His body shifted and I felt another person settle between my legs. Mindlessly, I allowed myself to be spread. I felt the head of a cock pressing against my nether lips and froze.

My boyfriend at home had always made sure I felt him for several days afterward, every muscle in my body clenched. Bracing myself, I closed my eyes and waited for the pain.

"Ciara," Master Damien called softly, "relax for me. We will not hurt something we own," he repeated stroking my back and thighs.

Lost on a strange world, surrounded by aliens that wanted to fuck me I tried to relax. I felt my body yield to the pressure and Master Damien slipped into me with a slight push. He was large, but I was very wet. He pressed firmly until his rod was embedded in my flesh. I heard him moan my new name and he stayed very still inside of me. He wasn't causing me pain, so I did calm down a little.

"It is amazing," Master Damien said softly, but he still didn't do anything.

I was still as stone waiting, but nothing happened. The heavy weight inside of me made me want to move, though.

A hand stroked down my back and Master Evan spoke from beside me.

"It doesn't fight."

After a while I opened my eyes and looked around. The men were all alternating staring at me or at Master Damien, who was motionless behind me. Maybe this was how they had sex, if so I felt buying me was a big waste of money.

"Aren't you supposed to move or would you like me to move? On my planet we go back and forth. I only did it a couple of time, but is it different here ... Master Damien?"

I couldn't stop rambling once I started. It was such an unusual position to be in: impaled on someone's cock while other men watched.

"You ask many questions, Ciara. Yes, I would like to move; you may stay still. I was merely enjoying this for a moment," Master Damien said slowly starting to glide in and out of me.

It felt really good once he started to thrust. He rubbed something deep inside of me every time and I felt my own desire building. Inadvertently, I started to push back against him. A murmur passed through the group when they noticed me, but I wasn't chastised.

"Sir, may I take my hands off the pole? I won't do anything bad. It would just be easier if I could lean on my hands, Master Damien," I said before I realized slaves probably shouldn't ask to be comfortable.

It was just leaning on my elbows with my forearms crossed and stuck to a pole in front of me was such an awkward position. Master Kein moved forward and removed the rope restraining me.

I moved to my hands and knees, so now my breasts hung freely. They were large and had gotten me in more than a little trouble. When you have large breasts everything seems to show them off. Now they swung with each forceful plunge.

Master Evan and Master Kein noticed and stroked my breasts liberally, thoroughly entertained by the swaying orbs. It felt good and I whispered to them not to stop. That was the only encouragement they needed.

My breasts got all the attention they ever wanted after that. Master Kein gave up stroking and went back to sucking. He scooted so he lay beneath me.

I felt certain I would smother the man with my chest, but he moaned in pleasure directly beneath them. Soon I was lost in the sensation of his hands, lips, and teeth exploring the rounded flesh. His wet mouth passed repeatedly over the reactive tips of my nipples making them into puckered little nubs.

Hands were everywhere on me, stroking my sex, my back, and my hips. It was an amazing experience. I shouldn't have orgasmed, but I did, stuttering into the pillow in front of me.

The stroking hands never stopped and heard them all telling me how good I was for finding pleasure. I felt for moment like a puppy that had finally learned a new trick. It was very strange.


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