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Entrapped To Alien Lords Free chapter novel Chapter 6


I looked wildly around and saw Master Damien and Master Evan eyeing me with distrust. From the position of their hands they had put me back on the pole. Master Christof's face showed obvious dislike.

"It was only kissing my hand, it is human brothers. Basin and his brothers spoke of this. It was only a feathering of the lips. Show them Ciara, do it again," Master Kein said offering me his hand.

Master Bane did not withdraw his length and left me full and uncomfortable. Still I took the proffered hand and gently kissed the back once.

"Again," Master Kein whispered softly.

At his insistence I had soon kissed the entire back of his hand. I moved my attention to his fingers and his palm.

I felt Master Bane watching, but the desire in him to move must have been too great. His length was slowly forcing it's way in and out of my tight hole again. The area was starting to get more sore and felt drier. He rested most of the way out of me.

"Brothers, more oil," he called.

I felt Master Damien rise from the bed and saw him hand the small metal container to Master Bane. For being alien slave owners they were surprisingly sensitive to what I needed. Master Bane used the oil and then grunted as he thrust in.

It was unexpected that with the right amount of the oil how pleasurable it was to be taken this way. My body was full and darkly stimulated. Without notice I was pushing my hips against Master Bane and trying to take him deeper. Back on my knees and elbows, I was grunting with him. I was reveling in the sensations as he dragged in and out of me.

Fingers were back on my clit, whose I didn't know. Large calloused hands were caressing my tight nipples. With my eyes closed I could only imagine it was Master Evan's mouth that was blowing hot air into my ear and sucking on the lobe.

I moaned my displeasure when Master Bane erupted before me, but I wasn't left wanting. A new oiled prick slid easily down my dark tunnel. This one was thinner, but longer. I recognized Master Kein's voice behind me.

"Much better than our women," he chuckled as the other man fell to the bed panting.

After watching so long Master Kein was in no mood for the niceties he had encouraged in his brother. Luckily, I was stretched and oiled. I peaked as he did, screaming and convulsing on his length.

Again, as he poured into me, I felt the petting and heard the compliments. I had done well to find pleasure again. They felt I was very good at what I was doing.

Master Kein rolled off of me and I lay on my stomach exhausted and reeling from the intensity of this experience. I licked my lips and they felt dry. Between my legs felt sticky and I was covered in a sheen of sweat. Overall, I was thirsty and had to pee.

I felt a hand slide down my back and across my buttocks. The resulting shiver was residual sexual arousal mixed with trepidation. I didn't know how much more I could take.

"You see, Ciara," Master Damien said from behind me, "you will come to crave us. You will touch us to bring us pleasure without fear. We knew you would be good for us when we saw you, we were correct."

The men sat and agreed with Master Damien. They also commended me on taking pleasure so many times. I responded excellently to them.

In a strange way the praise made me proud. Sill, I wondered how much more I could take. Some part of me remembered one member of the team had not had a go. I wished they would let me drink and use the toilet first. Did a slave have the right to ask? Probably not, I decided. They had been nice and hadn't hurt me intentionally so far, I didn't want to push my luck.

"Come, Ciara, kneel before me," Master Evan said standing several feet from the bed.

I turned and looked up at him blearily, following his instructions without thinking.

Master Damien sighed and urged me forward until the soft pillow was beneath my knees.

"When we say kneel, we mean on your resting place, Ciara, not on the floor," he said distastefully.

In this position the combined fluids in my bottom half started to run. I felt like I was literally drooling cum. It made the sticky feeling that much worse.

A jug of sweet water was offered to my lips and I took it greedily. A small amount escaped out of my mouth and ran down onto my breasts. I started to wipe it off and was stopped. Master Kein dried it up with a small towel.

"Come," Master Bane said encouraging me to rise.

I was shaky on my feet and leaned into him wherever he was taking me. He put an arm around my waist and supported me as we went.

We walked out of the room with the bed into a large split level room. The upper half looked to be an area for eating with two long semicircular bars facing one another, five chairs were sat in front of them. The lower part of the room had a low fire going and was decorated with five comfortable looking places to sit.

I was led through these rooms to a large tiled room. These men apparently had indoor plumbing. A small circular area was set apart. It had what looked like shower heads across the wall, five of them, all pointing to the center.


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