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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 237

Chapter 237

The melodious music was played in Saul’s car.

“Jalen doesn’t look as scary as the outside world says.” Adriana held her phone and checked the information about Jalen.

Hearing this, Saul said, “Don’t be fooled by how he behaved just now. He is just honest in front of Elaina. In fact, he is very sinister.”

Saul thought, if Jalen did not have any ability, how could his family have developed so well?

“You just spoke up for him and now you spoke ill of him. Do you want to help him or not?” Adriana put away her phone and looked at Saul, who was driving aside.

Saul chuckled and said directly, “Why should I help him? He is my enemy.

“However, although I don’t like him and I want to destroy his family, I still have to tell you that Jalen is really good to Elaina.”

the truth

Although he didn’t want to speak up good words for Jalen, he still chose to tell the truth in the case

of Elaina.

“If he is really good to Elaina, why did he divorce Elaina?” Adriana didn’t believe Saul’s words.

Saul laughed loudly when he heard this. He said, “This is a misunderstanding.”

After that, Saul told Adriana about the specific situation, especially the joke that Jalen had made when he did not know Elaina. Saul could not help but laugh when he thought about it.

Saul felt that he could laugh at Jalen with this joke for his whole life.

Hearing this, Adriana also wanted to laugh. “So when he fell in love with Ella, he did not know that Ella was the ex-wife he had just divorced.”


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