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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 258

Chapter 258

In the end, Theodore did not rest at Elaina’s house. He helped Andrew downstairs to take a taxi. After Elaina watched them leave, she turned around and returned home.

When she saw Jalen still lying on the table, she suddenly felt vexed.

“Jalen?” Elaina walked over and pushed him, but there was no reaction from him.

“It’s okay if you can’t drink. Why did you drink so much?” she couldn’t help complaining. As she spoke, she bent down to help the man up, ready to help him to the guest room.

She actually wanted to send Jalen back to the opposite house, yet unfortunately, she didn’t have the key.

With great difficulty, she helped the man to the guest room and threw him hard, wanting to throw the man onto the bed.


The next second, Elaina was also brought to the bed by a huge force. She just happened to lie on top of Jalen, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

The man’s breathing sounded in her ear, and Elaina’s cheeks were a little hot.

She was somewhat glad that Jalen was asleep. Otherwise, he might think that she was going to do something to him.

Thinking of this, she subconsciously wanted to get up, but her wrist was suddenly grabbed by someone.

Looking down, she found that Jalen had opened his eyes. He was looking at her, and there was forbearance in his eyes that Elaina

could not understand.


Before she could say a word, Elaina’s whole body was spinning. When she came back to her senses, she was already pressed down

by Jalen.

This made the atmosphere even more awkward, and Elaina wanted to find a hole to hide in.

“You are not drunk?” This was Elaina’s first reaction. She looked at the man, and he did not look like a drunk person at all.

“After being thrown onto the bed so hard by you, no matter how drunk I was, I would sober up.” Of course, he would not admit that he

had been pretending to be drunk.


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