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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 269

Chapter 269

Theodore left. Sue cried loudly as she watched his back leave, attracting the attention of many passengers.

Andrew stood next to her and felt the gazes of many people. It seemed that they thought that he had done something to Sue to make

her cry.

This made him very embarrassed. After hesitating for a moment, he said, “Uh… Don’t cry. Theodore is just on a business trip. He’ll

come back.”

“You know nothing.”

Sue rolled her eyes at him. “Do you really think I don’t know anything? He left to run away. It’s possible that he won’t come back


“Your words sound like you have something to do with Theodore,” Andrew complained in a bad mood.

Hearing this, Sue got even angrier. “Get out!”

Andrew was speechless.

He thought, it’s nice of me to comfort you. But you are scolding me?

Sue turned around and left. No one knew what she was going to do, and no one cared either.

After she left, Andrew did not stay. He turned around and left the airport. He was just a little surprised that Elaina did not come to see

Theodore off.

At the airport, in the waiting hall of VIP, Elaina had already retracted her gaze from the entrance.

After a long silence, she said, “Let’s go.”

“Yes.” Jalen did not ask anything. He followed her silently. The two of them walked out of the airport together. During this time, no

one spoke.

Just when Jalen thought that Elaina would be sad for a few more days and was about to say a few words of comfort, he heard her

say, “Let’s go watch a movie together tonight. A new movie is said to be good.”


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