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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 386

Chapter 386

“What’s her name?”

“Ethel Locke.”

Elaina looked at the laptop in front of her and searched for all the information about Ethel.

Everyone praised Elaina as a top student, but when Elaina saw Ethel’s resume, Elaina found that there were actually many excellent people in the world.

Moreover, Ethel was not only a top student but also had a strong comprehensive ability. Compared to Elaina, Ethel was much better.

Elaina found that she felt a sense of inferiority.

She shook her head and quickly threw this idea out of her mind.

Whether Ethel was a top student or a beauty was not important to Elaina. Elaina didn’t need to compare

herself to others.

After turning off the computer, Elaina felt that she should have a good talk with Jalen.

If Jalen only treated her as a substitute, then Elaina decided to break up with him. Elaina was not the kind of person who was willing to be a substitute.

Just as she was thinking, there was a knock on the door. She was shocked.

She thought, is it Jalen?

Could it be that he knew about the matter in the shop, so he rushed over to meet me?

Thinking of this, Elaina quickened her pace. She was actually looking forward to seeing that man because they hadn’t seen each other for a long time.

When the door opened, Elaina froze.

“Ella, are you alright? I’ve heard about what happened today. Don’t worry, I’ll help you resolve it.” Jaydon. looked at Elaina and found that she was upset. He thought that she was worried about the plagiarism case.

Seeing that it was Jaydon, Elaina was disappointed, but….

In addition to disappointment, it was more of a self-mockery.

Elaina wondered, even Jaydon knew about the shop, how could Jalen not know?

Are you really so busy that you can’t even come to see me?

“I’m fine. I can solve my own problem.” Elaina did not take this matter to heart at all.


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