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Falling For My Mysterious Wife by Cassidy Alfaro novel Chapter 392

Chapter 392

Graham did not understand. She wondered, did Mr. Halton deliberately break up with Ms. Gainsford just to protect Ms. Gainsford?

Graham secretly nodded. She felt that it was highly possible. In order to protect Elaina, Jalen could really do anything.

Graham didn’t know if Elaina knew about Jalen’s efforts.

After Graham left, Jalen sat alone in the office. He was overwhelmed with exhaustion. During this period of time, he was worried that Steven would hurt Elaina, so he was constantly vigilant and

almost didn’t rest.

It was fine for him to break up now. Jalen would explain everything to Elaina after everything was.


As for Ethel…

Jalen’s face darkened slightly. He took out his phone and called Graham. “Check who Elaina has been in contact with these past two days.”

Jalen did not believe that Elaina would search in his study room for no reason. Someone must have

told her something.

The news of Elaina and Jalen breaking up spread very quickly. Almost everyone in the upper class of New York knew about it. Originally, they did not know that Elaina and Jalen were together. Now everyone knew about the breakup.

When Adriana saw Elaina at the company, she was stunned. “Are you alright? Why are you here so early?”

“Me? I’m fine.”

Elaina was surprised. She wondered, is there something wrong with me?

“I’m here to deal with the plagiarism. I have to solve it early. Otherwise, our brand will be ruined,”

Elaina said.

Adriana saw that Elaina’s expression was normal, and it did not look like Elaina had just broken up. Adriana was filled with mixed feelings. Anyway, Adriana was very worried.

“Ella, you and Jalen…” Adriana had no choice but to ask because she was really worried about



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