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Fated to my Enemy (Ryley and Blake) novel Chapter 182

Book Two Chapter TwentyNine 

Future Alpha Aspen 

Three months later… 

It’s been three months and we still haven’t found Tessa or Sarah. I felt like my life was coming undone. My mother is close to giving birth. The council is pushing my father more and more each day to attack. And here I was, trying to find someone who clearly didn’t want to be found

Aiden, Eli, and I were staying at a rundown motel while we waited for another possible lead. I was impressed with their hiding skills but also annoyed that we couldn’t find them

This is not the first time they have run,Bliz chimed in, while I lay on the bed in my room, looking up at the ceiling

But why run from me? What were they running from before?I questioned for what felt like the hundredth time. I realized I didn’t know anything about Tessa’s past. I was afraid if I pushed her she would walk away from me. But she did anyway. I believed we were on the same page, and that we could fall in love. What did I do wrong

Banging on the door pulled me from my depressing thoughts. I jumped off the bed to open the door finding Eli on the other side

I think we found something,he pushed past me and entered my room. Knots twisted my stomach as I waited for him to continue. I think we have a lead on Sarah. My contact hasn’t seen anyone who looks like Tessa but a hot blonde like Sarah is easy to notice.I growled causing him to chuckle. Relax, Alpha.” 





Book Two Chapter TwentyNine 

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What’s the lead?I exhaled. My patience was growing to nonexistent since this all began. I have heard it all but nothing seems to lead to anything but a dead end

It’s a bar in a small town in the middle of nowhere. They did not make it easy to find. With the number of busses and big cities, I’m glad we had some men on the ground,he breathed out, slumping down into one of the chairs

Is he sure it’s Sarah?I asked, tired of chasing my tail. Tessa would be there if it was Sarah.” 

It’s better than nothing, Aspen. We have been sitting in this motel for days waiting on a location.He was right but we have been running in circles for months

I know,I yelled, as I paced the small room. I know,I mumbled. He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees

I understand this is hard. I’ve been there myself,he confessed and I knew he was speaking about Mom. He has been telling me stories about their childhood and how things changed when she met Dorian. It made me wonder if I was doing all of this in vain. If I’m not her fated mate, then she has one out there and I’m Eli in my Mom’s story

She’s a Luna wolf, Aspen. She will be with an alpha.Bliz sighed. That may be true but I may not be that alpha

Get packed, we can go check it out. The town isn’t far from here,Eli said before leaving my room. I sat on the edge of the bed with my head in my hands. Now, I understand how Dad was feeling that month without Mom. The not/knowing was slowly killing me

I’ve come to terms with the fact that she may not care about me, and I just want to know if she is okay. Even if she tells me to fuck off after I find her



Book Two Chapter Twenty Nine 

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Let’s get this over with,I sighed before getting up from the bed. I found Eli standing by my truck as I left the room with bags in my hands

Have you told Aiden?I asked as I threw my stuff into the back seat

He hasn’t answered. It’s only a few hours away if you want to go for a drive?He suggested. I couldn’t leave without letting Aiden know where we were going

I walked up to the room beside mine and banged on the door. When he didn’t answer, I opened up the mind link

Give me a second,he said before I got a chance to say anything. He closed the link and I stepped back to stand with Eli

He said to give him a second,I told him. I wonder if he was having a hard time being away from his mate. I know she is human and doesn’t feel the bond the same way but I’m sure she misses him. It’s been a long three months. I can tell he has been more on edge lately

I turned when a door was thrown open with a bang. Aiden marched out of his room with all his stuff

We’ve been called back to the pack,he rushed as he threw his stuff in the back. Get in.” 

I looked at Eli as Aiden climbed into the driver’s seat. We rushed around the truck and climbed in with me riding shotgun

Aiden didn’t waste any time as he burned rubber out of the parking lot

What’s going on?I questioned

I don’t know much, Aspen. Luca called and ordered us back. I’m sorry.” 



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Book Two Chapter TwentyNine 

What the hell does that mean? What aren’t you saying?Eli demanded and Aiden sighed

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Fuck,he slapped the steering wheel before gripping it tightly. His knuckles were white by the time he looked over at me. My stomach sank as I watched him. It was bad and he didn’t know how to tell me


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