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Fated to my Enemy (Ryley and Blake) novel Chapter 183

ok Two Chapter ThirtyOne 

Alpha Blake 

Someone better find her now,I screamed at the tech team looking through CCTV footage. Ryley wasn’t in our home and no one saw her leave. I was about to lose it if someone didn’t bring me something. Anything

Blake, Aspen just pulled up,Luca poked his head into the room. I rushed from the room and out of the pack house to see my son, who had been gone for the last three months. I don’t know who he got himself involved with, but I couldn’t worry about that right now

Dad, where is she?He demanded as he jumped out of his truck

We don’t know,Luca answered beside me

How the fuck did you lose her?Eli exclaimed. I clenched my fists wanting to hit the bastard in the face. Luca stepped between us before I could

Poking the Alpha isn’t going to help. We are looking through the footage now. She was working in her office, when she informed my mate she wasn’t feeling well and was going to lie down. She’s not at the house and we can’t reach her through the link or her phone,my beta explained. I felt numb as I listened. I fucking lost her

Evie?Aspen questioned

She’s with Becky and Walter,he replied. I haven’t been able to go see 



Book Two Chapter ThirtyOne 

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my daughter as guilt twisted my guts. She would be wanting her mother and I couldn’t give her that

Blake, we are going to find her.Aiden gripped my shoulder pulling me from my dreadful thoughts

Dad, does Channing know?My attention snapped to our oldest son

We haven’t informed him yet. He has exams this, week.Luca told them

Dad?Aspen crossed his 

4 and charms over his chest 

There’s nothing he can do right now, son.” 

Alpha, we found something,a warrior linked and I took off running back into the pack house. My heart was pounding in my chest as

entered the surveillance room. Anxiety twisted in my gut as I looked around at the screens

Alpha,my computer expert nodded

What did you find?I rushed out as the others came into the room behind me

I found her.He pointed to the bigger screen above him before hitting the keyboard in front of him

I watched as my mate walked out of the pack house. She looked exhausted as she rubbed her swollen belly. She was due in just a few weeks. I growled when a young woman approached her. I didn’t recognize her

Who is she?I demanded as I watched my mate walk to an SUV with 



Book Two Chapter ThirtyOne 

288 Vouchers 

the woman. Ryley what the hell are you doing? Where the hell are all the warriors? Why was no one watching her? My blood boiled as I watched my wife go limp and she was pushed inside the back seat of the vehicle

The woman kept her head down and there wasn’t a clear view of her face as she climbed into the passenger side. Someone else must be driving

Dad.Aspen gripped my shoulder and I jumped: My body was trembling in uncontrollable rage

Someone drove into my pack and took my mate and child. We are going to get Mom back.He started barking orders taking over for me

My lungs constricted as my mind raced with scenarios of what they could be doing to her. It’s been hours. Did the drug they used hurt our unborn child

Blake,I heard my name but I barely heard it as my ear rang loudly. How can this be happening again? We had a plan. Everything was in place to keep her safe

I blinked, Aspen’s face coming into focus as he had me by the shoulders, shaking me

Dad, I need you to snap out of it, you can’t fall apart now. Mom and the baby need you,he pleaded

I failed,I mumbled. “I fucking failed them,I screamed, unable to hold in my anguish. I pulled away from him and paced the room

Dad, you didn’t fail them. Mom and Lily are going to keep the baby safe while we figure out where they have taken her.He assured me but even 



Book Two Chapter ThirtyOne 

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