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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 143

I stood alone with the best smile I was taught to put on at these public occasions as so many flashes blinded me. As expected, there were many reporters and cameramen here today to cover the event and as the stepdaughter of the groom, I had an important role to play. Reiner stood close behind me to lend his support and protection.

“How do you feel about your father getting married?” a reporter asked me. It wasn’t like I wasn’t expecting this question. Can’t they be more creative?

“Overjoyed. It’s been more than ten years since my mother passed away, so I am very happy that my father has found happiness. I believe that Angela is the perfect match for my father. I congratulate them both from the bottom of my heart,” I replied flawlessly. Even a fake Rosenhall could do this much, trust me.

Soon Zak was by my side as we posed to get our photos taken. Zak casually wrapped his arm around my waist as he whispered into my ear.

“Sorry…for earlier. I didn’t mean to scare you. I love you…ok?” Zak whispered softly so that his words were for my ears only.

“I love you,” was all I could manage in reply.

After both Zak and I finished our interview with the news reporter, Zak escorted me inside while Reiner made sure to coordinate with the other bodyguards to ensure that the press couldn’t enter the main venue. This was the first time that I am attending an event in this place and the sheer size of the venue is a little intimidating. I never knew the Rosenhall had a ceremonious place this big purely for the family’s usage. Looking around, I could see many senior family members busy entertaining their VVIP guests and business partners. This might as well be a business convention rather than a wedding.

Zak led me to our seats, and we sat side by side to wait for the start of the ceremony. Zak seemed to be in a good mood regardless of the slight squabble earlier with Reiner. Almost like a miracle, Madame Francesca clearly kept her distance away from Zak and I. The truth was probably because Zak had instructed her to do so.

‘Meet me in my changing room right after the ceremony. Come alone. Lucien.’ A text from Lucien…he wanted to meet me? I wonder what he wanted…

Soon the ceremony was underway. The ceremony itself was standard and normal with the bride walking in escorted by her father. Angela had a luxurious wedding gown on. She looked very stunning, and all eyes were on her. Lucien along with Edward stood at the altar, both were well composed and serious.

“It feels weird to see Lucien actually getting married, right?” Zak asked in a light tone as he squeezed my hand.

“Yeah…weird is definitely the right word,” I agreed. Weird indeed. I didn’t feel depressed, frustrated, or angry…it just felt a little weird as if I was watching a scene in a play that was completely unrelated to my real life.

The ceremony went by in a blur. I watched the whole thing with Zak by my side. He held my hand all throughout the whole ordeal. The scene of Lucien taking wedding vows and exchanging rings with Angela before kissing her was picture-perfect. It better be perfect, these photos will be swamping the newspapers and media for days or even weeks to come. Angela was obviously very happy and enjoying herself immensely. Lucien, on the other hand, was playing the role of the benevolent groom to perfection.

While everyone was absorbed by the ceremony in front of them, my mind was pondering what life would be like with Angela living with us in the mansion. Lucien being professional and pretty much insensitive would probably feel next to no change at all. That was surely not the case for me. The mansion was big enough that if I avoided her, I would probably not run into her. If that doesn’t work, then I’ll have to face her straight on. I sighed softly while keeping my head up with a bright smile. You never know when they would be taking candid photos of you, after all.

Immediately after the ceremony was over, I excused myself to meet Lucien in his dressing room. I didn’t know what he had planned but if he wanted to meet me alone, then I had to turn up alone in order to find out.


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