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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 208

Work at the office was busy as always and Lucien barely had time to eat or rest during the day. He attended meetings after meetings and then more meetings until it was late into the evening. The time to meet Edward was fast approaching and he felt horrible. His fever and headache had gotten worst.

Although he tried his best to hide it, his wonderful colleague and wife figured it out in no time.

“Lucien, you’re sweating so much, and you look so pale. It’s like you can faint any moment now. What about I get one of the drivers to drive you home?” Rosia suggested with concern as her eyebrows furrowed with worry.

“That won’t be necessary. You head home first before me. I have something to do…” Lucien said as he tried to fight off his headache.

The fever had not subsided, and his headache was fast turning into a full-fledged migraine. Lucien massaged his temple as his vision started to blur.

“Oh my…Lucien you need to go to the hospital. You’re burning up and you can barely stay standing. Sit down,” Rosia said as she felt Lucien’s burning forehead.

“Rosia…I’m fine,” Lucien protested weakly.

“No, you’re not! I’m calling the driver to drive you to the hospital…or do you want me to call the family doctor?” Rosia continued in a panic.

“…I have somewhere I have to be. So…please, just go home, ok?” Lucien said as he leaned on the side of his worktable for support.

“Where do you have to go?” Rosia asked with concern.

“Can you stop nagging me, Madame,” Lucien said without further explanation. His headache just got worst. He glanced at his watch and realized that he had to leave immediately to make it on time to meet Edward.

Suddenly as if on cue, Lucien’s mobile phone rang.

“Shit…” Lucien muttered as he looked at his brother’s name on the screen.

“Who is it? Edward?” Rosia said as she took a peek at Lucien’s phone.

“It’s nothing. Go home,” Lucien said dismissively before answering the call.

“Where are you? Are you on the way?” Edward’s voice almost shouted and could be heard from where Rosia was standing.

“I’m…about to leave the office,” Lucien replied, trying to sound normal.

“Are you sick? You don’t sound…so good,” Edward asked skeptically.

“No, I’m fine,” Lucien replied.

“No! He’s not fine! Edward, your brother has a fever and can barely stand,” Rosia shouted.

“Oh shit...you’re sick now of all times? Can you make it?” Edward asked with a chuckle.

“He needs to go to the hospital, Edward,” Rosia spoke up loudly so that Edward could here on the other end of the call.

“Stop talking to my brother through my phone call!” Lucien yelled in annoyance.

“You can’t be late. I need those documents before my flight,” Edward said sternly.

“Lucien can’t go. I…I’ll go!” Rosia suggested desperately.

“No…I can still…drive,” Lucien protested but it was clear from the state that he’s in that he can no longer stand.

“I’m ok with Rosia delivering the documents. They belong to her ex-husband anyways…” Edward said lazily.


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