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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 258

I gulped nervously while Miss Evergreen’s eyes widened with shock at Edward’s harsh and direct comment. I guess in her years of being a teacher, she had never experienced a situation like this with her student’s parents before. One glance at Edward confirmed that he was truly upset and offended by what the teacher had just said. If I don’t try to halt this now, this whole parent-teacher conference will blow up.

“Umm…sorry about that. I’m sure that Edward is happy to learn that his children are…very smart…” I replied vaguely as I plastered a diplomatic smile on my face. Very smart…not geniuses. They are just very smart.

I grabbed Edward’s hand under the table and squeezed it tightly. I hope he understands how weird and rude his comment was just now. However, Edward didn’t seem to get my message at all or if he did, he didn’t care too much for it. He didn’t look at me or acknowledge my attempt to stop him. His eyes were glued on Miss Evergreen and those were not friendly eyes.

“I meant every word as I had just said them. My children may be smart, but they are not geniuses, and I don’t need anyone saying that they are,” Edward repeated bluntly, his tone cold.

“Edward…” I whispered his name desperately as I yanked on his hand. What is he saying?!

While Miss Evergreen was stunned and didn’t know how to react to Edward’s words, he just continued to stare at her with unamused eyes. It didn’t seem that Edward was willing to back down on this issue and I could sort of understand why…

Miss Evergreen was clearly uncomfortable with what she was hearing and didn’t know how to respond as Edward clearly thought her words were offensive. Edward was usually so good at handling conversation with people and so I never saw this coming. He was usually very diplomatic and knew how to handle all sorts of people in all sorts of situations; however, it seems like he has decided on a very harsh approach to our current situation.

“My children are normal,” Edward repeated stubbornly.

Ok. I know where this is all coming from, but Miss Evergreen doesn’t so…let’s just give her a break ok?

“I’m so sorry, Miss Evergreen. Thank you for all that you’ve done for us today, but we should be taking our leave. If there’s anything else, please don’t hesitate to call me directly,” I said while trying to sound as pleasant as I could.

“Yes, Madame. Thank you for your time,” Miss Evergreen replied after snapping out from her state of shock. Her voice shook so much when she spoke, and I pitied her that she had to deal with this version of Edward.

I stood up and pulled Edward to his feet as I pushed him towards the door. I made sure that we both left that room as fast as possible before anything worse would happen. Edward didn’t say anything to me, and he seemed absorbed in his own thoughts. We walked together in silence to the car. I held Edward’s hand all the way and I could tell that he was very upset and frustrated. I decided not to press him to explain what had just happened to me because I knew that he would tell me when he was ready.

“Are you ok?” I asked with worry once we were alone in the car. I didn’t need to details if he didn’t want to talk about it but I needed to know that he was ok.

“Yea…” Edward replied vaguely.

“I think I know how you feel but that’s not a good excuse to say the things you just did the way you said it. Miss Evergreen isn’t to blame. She doesn’t know anything, and I think it was just a wrong choice of words…” I said seriously as I turned to look directly at Edward.

Edward was silent for a moment as he seemed to figure out his own emotions and thoughts. I watched silently as he struggled with his own demons. Suddenly, he turned to me and grabbed my hands in his own and held it tightly.


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