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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 261

A few years later, I finally established my own company. It had been a long and tiresome journey for me to get there but the experience was more than worth it. With the help of many mentors that I worked with along the way and Edward, I was able to set up my own little company.

“Maybe my company will end up making more than just a rounding error in your bank account…finally…” I said jokingly to Edward.

“If you’re doing this for the money, I suggest you quit and just stay at home with the kids…” Edward replied before laughing.

“Come on, I’m only joking. You know that I’m not doing this just for the money…” I said as I put an arm around his waist and leaned my head on his shoulder.

“Of course, I know that. So don’t worry too much about making money or paying the bills. Just do what you want to do, ok?” Edward said leisurely.

“Yeah, well, I’m not letting my company go under. I’ll handle the financials of my company well, just you wait and see…” I said with determination.

“Good. As I told you before, I’m not helping you if this company goes under,” Edward said as he grinned at me.

I would never ask him for that much help for this. Edward was the biggest help already. He handles everything related to our family so I didn’t need to worry about supporting our family at all.

“No need to worry because it won’t go under. Why do I get the feeling that you don’t believe in me at all?” I asked, narrowing my eyes suspiciously at him.

“I’m just teasing you. I’m sure it’ll be fine…” Edward replied before patting my head.

Today was the open ceremony for my company. Although, it’s more like a small get together of our close friends who came to congratulate us and the staff. The new office that I had rented still smelled new. I liked the balloons that we put in place though. The company started off small with around twenty employees.

I could recall the day that Edward basically stole me from Lucien’s mansion to take me to a surprise interview. That interview truly started my professional career. I’ve come a long way since then, but I never forgot my humble beginnings. It was the right decision to go to that interview.

“What are you thinking about? You’re zoning out…” Edward whispered into my ear as he stood close to me.

The staffs were having fun chatting and drinking. Overall, the atmosphere was joyful and relaxing at the same time. The party was so simple and cozy, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

“Just about, you know, how my career started. How you took me to my first interview…” I replied before smiling a little at Edward.

“Oh…I remember that day. That day was adventurous…” Edward said as he seemed to recall some of his own memories of that day.

“Adventurous is a good way to describe it, I guess,” I replied with a laugh.

“Natalia! Why don’t you give a speech?” one of the staff asked as she came running up to me.

“Oh no…that’s…” I said a little shyly, trying to turn her down. Giving a speech is just too much…

“Come on, Natalia!” the staff cried out encouragingly.

“Umm…” I mumbled. I still didn’t think that it was a good idea and I also didn’t have a speech prepared.

“It’s the opening party of your company, isn’t obvious that you’ve got to say something? Go on now…” Edward said encouragingly as his hands pushed me forward.


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