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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 275

“Excuse me! Zanita…” I yelled loudly.

I didn’t hear a reply though.

“Anybody out there? Is something burning?!” I tried again.

Still, there was no reply. Suddenly, I felt that something was wrong. It’s too quiet and the smell of something burning was getting stronger. The dress I had on was slightly on the tight side and I started wriggling out of it so that I could change back to my original outfit. However, something caught my eye that changed my plans immediately.

I gasped as I saw smoke coming in through the cracks in the dressing room door. There’s a fire?!

This can’t be happening. Now that I can see smoke, the smell of something or everything burning got stronger than ever. Was the boutique really on fire? Where is everyone else?

Truth be told, I had absolutely no idea what to do in an event of a fire. I’m supposed to get low and avoid breathing in the smoke, is that right? It wasn’t like I had any water to pour on myself. Was that even right? Regardless, I have a bunch of fabric, so I used that to cover my nose and mouth for now.

I dialed the emergency number to report the fire and the line connected soon after.

“There’s a fire. I’m stuck inside at…Zanita’s boutique…yes…” I began talking rapidly once the line connected to the operator on the other end of the line.

There was so much smoke coming into the changing room now and it stung at my eyes. I tried my best not to breathe it in, but it was difficult. Opening the door now is probably not a good choice. If there’s smoke coming in, then there’s obviously fire on the other side of the door. I used the dress to try and plug the hole underneath the door but that didn’t help for long. It’s getting so hot inside…

Why is there a fire now of all times?! Where is everyone else?!

Zak…where are you?

I should have listened to Lucien. I should have gotten a bodyguard. Why the hell didn’t I listen?

There was so much smoke, and my eyes started to water. I sat down in the corner of the small changing room and prayed that help would arrive soon. My throat hurts and I’ve been coughing non-stop for a while now. My eyes felt like they were burning.

I’m so scared. Am I going to die here?

Reiner…where are you? Please help me…

“A fire broke out at an upscale boutique earlier today. The source of the fire has yet to be identified. Socialite, Natalia Rosenhall, the only daughter of Lucien Rosenhall was unfortunately caught up in the fire. The firemen arrived at the scene shortly after the fire was reported and managed to rescue Miss Natalia, who is currently receiving treatment in the hospital. So far representatives of the Rosenhall family have refused to comment on the incident; however, a press conference will be held at a later date regarding the incident…” a beautiful news reporter reported on the television screen.


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