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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 286

I arrived at the end of the hallway just like I had intended. Based on my past experience of being here, the stairs should be right here at the end of the hall. If I reach it and turn right, I should be at the stairs…

I’ve never fallen down any stairs before in my life but…it shouldn’t kill me, right? I mean, I’ve tripped over some steps before. I might sprain my ankle or something…

However, if Mr. Ghost is really here, then there is nothing for me to fear. At that moment, I truly believed that I wasn’t alone and that he was really with me. No use guessing now, it’s time to find out…

The hand that I used to run along the wall rounded a corner, telling me that I had reached the end of the hallway and to my right was now the stairs. I bit my lower lip and took a deep breath to summon some courage. Then without thinking any further, I took a couple of bold steps forward to close the distance between myself and the stairs.

I guess I didn’t need to fear falling down the stairs at all because after taking three steps forward, my body was forcibly pulled backwards. Shocked at the suddenness of my body being pulled backwards, I let out a small cry of surprise.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

The voice that I had been longing to hear said close to my ear. Feeling the warmth of his body against my back and his strong arms around me, I bit my lower lip as I struggled to smile without bursting out crying at the same time. It was such a bittersweet moment.

Bringing my arms up, I placed my hand on his arms to make sure that he was real. I could sense that he was angry and very worried, undoubtedly at the stupid thing that I was about to do.

“What are you thinking? Are you trying to kill yourself?” Reiner scolded close to my ear.

He was so mad…and I was finding it so adorable…

“Summoning a ghost…” I whispered.

“What?” He said in disbelief and confusion.

I turned around in his arms so that I was facing him. It was a shame that I couldn’t see his face at that moment but it more than enough that he was here.

“I wasn’t trying to kill myself. I was trying to summon a ghost. In the end, he decided to appear before me after all,” I said before I lifted up my face and smiled up at him.

“Don’t you ever do anything dangerous like this again…” Reiner said sternly. I knew that he was very angry.

“I won’t…if you promise not to leave me ever again…” I said, seriously.

“What if I wasn’t here? What would you have done?” Reiner asked and I could feel his eyes on my face.

“But you are here…” I replied.

Reiner just sighed loudly but the arms that were holding me tightened as he hugged me tight against his large and hard frame. I think I’m going to cry…


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