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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 299

The chirping birds notified me that morning has arrived. I stirred in bed, my body still heavy with sleep and I felt too lazy to do anything. Sleeping in bed for the day might be good. However, I knew that that wasn’t really an option.

I sighed softly to myself before forcing my eyes open. As expected, Reiner was no longer by my side. The bed next to me was empty and so was my bedroom. After all this time, I still found it amazing how he could get up so early in the morning. I hate the mornings…

The morning sunlight coming in from the window stung my eyes. Reiner must have left the curtains opened intentionally so that the sunlight would wake me up. How cruel of him. Instinctively, I brought my hand up to shade the light from my eyes as I started reaching for my mobile phone with my other hand.


Red glittery nail polish greeted me as it sparkled in the light, the golden sparkles catching my eyes. This looks so pretty. The color and the sparkle looked mesmerizing on my nails. I smiled brightly with extreme happiness before I started laughing a little.

I pulled the blanket away from my legs to reveal my beautifully painted toenails in the same matching red color. Double wow…

I laughed a little to myself as I thought about how I was right. Reiner really did have enough stamina to do my nails after what we did last night. I smiled to myself as I admired his handiwork.

Wow…he’s too perfect, seriously.

Feeling suddenly energized, I got out of bed, showered, and got dressed before heading down to the living room. I wondered where Reiner is now and what he’s doing. I didn’t have to wonder for too long, I ran into Reiner in the living room as if he had been waiting for me.

“Some cake?” He offered.

“What happened to healthy greens and beans stuff…?” I asked in confusion before biting my tongue.

Why did I have to ask about that? What if he remembers and takes away the cake?! Argh…

“You deserve a break today so that is what you’re getting,” Reiner replied smoothly.

“Wow…” I exclaimed at the pleasant surprise.

“Some cake?” Reiner asked again.

“Thank you! Oh…and thanks for doing my nails,” I thanked him with a happy smile before holding up a hand to show-off my sparkly nail polish.

Reiner just smiled at me without saying anything. However, I could tell that he felt a little proud of himself.

“When did you bake these?” I asked, although I already had a pretty good guess.

“This morning while you were peacefully sleeping in…” Reiner replied.

“No wonder…” I said, nodding my head in appreciation.

“Here you go,” Reiner said as he placed a small plate with a slice of cake on it in front of me.

I looked down at the blueberry cheesecake in front of me as I felt the corners of my mouth turning upwards into a small smile. It’s so nice just to see the cakes that he baked once again. Of course, eating it would be even better…


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