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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 318

“The intended target was most probably Lucien; however, since your mother was driving his car, she took the hit instead of him and died as a result,” Reiner summarized emotionlessly.

“So, my mother shouldn’t have died…?” I asked as my mind reeled at the thought.

This was all so confusing for me. However, it was clear that Reiner didn’t intend to kill my mother. That didn’t bring her back though, and that didn’t fill in all those empty years without her by my side. I blinked as warm teardrops rolled down my cheeks. Quickly, I raised my hands to wipe my tears away but surprisingly, his hands beat me to it.

I could feel the warm heat from his fingertips as it glided gently on my cheeks to wipe away my tears. It was just a fleeting thought but at that moment, I thought that that was one of the gentlest touches that I have ever felt in my life.

Reiner, I wondered if he’d been feeling guilty about my mother’s death all this time. That must have been the reason why he came to serve the Rosenhalls. Was that also why he took care of me so well?

“If you’re here with me because you feel guilty about killing my mother, then I think you should leave. I don’t want you to be with me just because you feel guilty…” I said, surprised at how steady and clear I sounded.

Reiner was silent but I could tell that he was deep in thought. It looked like he was about to say something but then decided against it.

“Well, that’s what I think an openminded and kind girl would say but you see…I’m a very selfish girl. So, stay with me, R. I don’t care if it’s just because you feel guilty and you’re just being nice to me out of pity. If you really do feel responsible, then don’t you think you should take responsibility?” I said before smiling at him.

“Natalia…” he said my name in a whisper.

“Make it up to me, R. If you feel guilty, why don’t you stay by my side and make it up to me until all your guilt disappears?” I suggested gleefully.

Reiner’s eyes widened at my unexpected proposal. If he had thought that telling me these things would make me push him away, he couldn’t have been more mistaken. I could sense that Reiner deeply regretted my mother’s unfortunate death. It wasn’t that he wasn’t to blame but blaming him wouldn’t bring my mother back to life. I knew that better than anyone.

“I can’t do that,” Reiner said with certainty.

“Why not?” I challenged.

“My guilt may never disappear…” Reiner said softly and slowly.

“Then maybe you can stay with me forever,” I suggested happily.

Reiner was evidently stunned at what I just said. His reaction was quite amusing, and I couldn’t hold my laughter back as I started giggling at him. His stunned expression melted into a curious one as he watched my reaction. By the time that I had gotten a hold of myself, Reiner’s curious expression had transformed into a very stern and grim one.

“R…what are you thinking about?” I asked softly as I reached out a hand and held his.

His hand is so large and warm. How my small hand fitted in his felt so safe and secure that I didn’t want to let go. I wished that we could hold hands like this forever. Reiner was silent for a moment, and I waited patiently to hear him out.


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