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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 368

That gave me a good chance to focus my afternoon on solving this puzzle at hand. Hopefully when he returned from his meetings, I’ll have some promising results for him and some next steps. Then if things work out, I can head to the bar and start working on time.

“Enjoy your meetings. I’ll have something for you when you get back, don’t worry,” I said cheerfully as Reiner walked past my desk.

“Ok…thanks,” he replied before heading out.

Reiner had many meetings scheduled for the rest of the week and some next week as well. I wondered what the meetings were about. Unlike secretaries of normal companies, the schedule that was visible to me didn’t have any details besides the meeting room number and the date and time. All meetings didn’t have a topic or agenda. Well, none that were visible to a secretary like me anyways. So much secrecy indeed.

Now that Reiner was gone, I returned to focusing on sorting out the data and finding trends. Kat sweetly sent me a message to remind me to turn up for work tonight. I laughed a little to myself when I typed back my response. Just a little more work here and I should be able to wrap up for the day. I hope Reiner comes back on time so that I can at least report to him what I’ve done for the day.

Since I was so busy with work today, time flew by and 5PM arrived in what felt like a blink of an eye. When I looked up from my computer screen it was already a little after 5PM. Reiner’s meeting was supposed to end at 5PM so he should be back here soon. As long as I leave before 5:30PM straight, I should be able to make it to the bar in time to help out with some tasks before opening time. I decided to wait for Reiner to return.

While waiting for Reiner to return, I printed out the shortlist of agent profiles that I wanted Reiner to interview. Based on their profiles and past experiences of having lost a member on their team during a mission, I believed that talking to them could unveil some insights that were not captured in the data. I printed out the profiles of all the agents on my list and stapled them together neatly. By the time that I was done, it was almost 5:30PM. Reiner was running late, and I had no idea why. Did his meeting overrun?

If I don’t leave now, I’m going to be late, and Kat is going to be so mad. I stared at the printed paper in my hand as I struggled to decide what to do. I already told Reiner that I wasn’t going back with him so it should be fine if I leave now. I can always report to Reiner on my findings tomorrow morning instead. With my mind made up, I entered Reiner’s personal office and left the printed paper on his desk along with a short note to tell him that I have left for the day.

Traffic was bad and I ended up turning up a little late. Praying a little to myself that Kat would not yell at me, I stood in front of the bar’s entrance before I walked in. Kat was standing right at the entrance with her hands on her hips as if she was ready to scold me for my lateness.

“Sorry. I tried my best to get here on time,” I quickly said in my own defense.

“Yet you still turned up late. Get dressed, girl! Then you can help me wipe the dishes…” Kat commanded.


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