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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 385

“I see…that’s one hell of a project that you’re working on,” Charles said, and he seemed interested.

“Yeah…honestly, we haven’t gotten very far at all and…that’s probably because I’m not at all knowledgeable about this topic…” I admitted a little sadly.

“I wish I could give you an easy and simple answer, but the reality is, it’s not easy at all. There are too many factors and uncertainties involved in a mission,” Charles replied followed by a sigh.

“I understand that but there’s got to be something that we can do to help…” I said, not willing to give up on this.

“Well, there are many things that could indicate that agents are more likely to be compatible but there is no sure formula and no guarantee that they will be…” Charles said sternly.

“Such as?” I prompted as my eyes widened in interest.

Charles turned to smile at me, and I could tell that he was slightly amused at my intense curiosity regarding this topic.

“Such as skill level, experience working together, religion, personal beliefs, similar tastes in food, having grown up in the same hometown and the list goes on and on,” Charles said with a light laugh.

“Honestly, that’s not really useful and definitely not specific enough,” I muttered regrettably.

“Exactly. Do you know why?” Charles asked while looking my way.

“Why?” I asked, curiously.

“It’s because, I believe that the only way to make a team compatible with each other is to get them to practice, practice, and practice even more at working together. Mock missions, trainings, group exercises, and everything along those lines. If you ask me, everything else aside, the most important thing is the experience that they have working together under harsh and stressful conditions. There is no short cut,” Charles stated confidently.

Practice. Experience in working together. There is no short cut.

There is nothing in the data that I saw that could predict compatibility to the extent where I could be sure that the team would be perfect. The agents need to practice and train working in a team with each other. Why didn’t I think of this before?

Were the agents that were sent on mission together trained enough beforehand as a group and not only as an individual? I need to look into this.

“Thank you, Charles. I think you just gave me the best idea ever,” I thanked him happily as a smile curved my lips.

“I’m glad that I was able to help you out a little,” Charles replied like it was no big deal.


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