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Forbidden Heat novel Chapter 77

Reiner opened the limousine door to welcome Zak and I to the event. The Rosenhalls surely takes care of their own security. In events like these, where I see Zak surrounded by more than ten bodyguards, I am reminded that Zak is the number one heir to the family in my generation. Zak, the only son of Madame Francesca.

Zak got out first and then offered me a hand to support me as I got out of the limousine. High heels are not my best friend, but I was determined not to fall on my face today. In addition to heels, I also had that small vibrator buried inside of me to worry about. For now, it was not yet vibrating. The camera flashes were blinding as they flashed at Zak and me.

Zak wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him so that our bodies were practically pressed against each other. I smiled at the camera confidently but inside I was worried if our photos will look too intimate. Seeing one of the family’s key heir so close to the family’s black sheep will not be a pleasing sight to the Elders or the other family members. I know full well that my close ‘friendship’ with Zak is something that is frowned upon by our family members. Zak, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to care what they think at all.

“Hang on tight…” Zak whispered as he turned to kiss my ear softly. I hope no one saw that small kiss. The camera continued to flash as Zak waved a little.

“Ahh…” I made a surprising sound. The vibrator just started vibrating softly inside of me. Zak! I glanced over at him, but he was smiling innocently at the camera without looking at me. His arm tightened around me to support me a little though, showing that he was well aware of what was happening inside of my body. This is so embarrassing, I wanted to hide into a hole and just die. My already wet pussy is getting wetter, and my body is turned on right in front of this whole crowd. Worst, they are taking photos of me!

I gripped Zak’s arm hard to steady myself. I’ll start to pant soon, and I bet my face is starting to turn red. The vibrator is doing its job so well, I felt so much pleasure deep inside of my hole. I need to get away soon. Are they done with the photos? I plastered my best smile on my face as I tried to squeeze my legs together.

“You want a short interview now? Sure thing!” Zak replied gleefully when the reporters wanted to ask him some questions.

I glanced at him in shock. What is he planning? He usually doesn’t answer questions randomly like this. Normally he would just stroll inside while shielding me. I’m going to be standing here right next to him while he gets interviewed Live on TV when I have a vibrator dancing inside of me? I wanted to faint. I tugged at Zak’s arm.

“What’s wrong, Natalia?” Zak asked with a caring look of concern on his face. I wanted to kill him. He knew well what was wrong! I couldn’t answer him and just bit my lower lip.

The reporters shot rounds after rounds of questions at Zak about his movie, his future plans, his private life. Zak replied to all of them smoothly and professionally while side-stepping all the questions that he didn’t want to answer. All their voices faded into the background of my mind as my mind concentrated on the pleasure building up in between my legs. My juices are already wetting my inner thighs as it poured out from my thongs. I was panting hard now as I continued to clutch to Zak while trying to keep my eyes away from the camera. How many people are watching this on Live TV or some other Live streaming platform?

“Miss Natalia, how do you feel about your cousin’s career as a producer? You seem very close with each other as well…” a reporter asked me. I blinked rapidly in a trance.

“Umm…I’m very proud of…Zak. We are very close…since we grew up together. I am very happy for him and wish him even more success…in the future…” I managed to reply in between my pants. I was breathing heavily but I hoped that no one realized or attributed it to excitement.

Finally! It was over and we strode away together deeper into the event. I need to find a private moment with Zak. I need him to turn off the vibrator, I don’t think I’ll be able to bear it for much longer. The more we walked, the more people greeted us and congratulated Zak on his work. Zak is such a key figure of his event, it’s so hard to be alone with him. Reiner was also following and observing us from a very close distance and so were the other guards.

After taking more photos with some actors and actresses I pulled Zak to the side a little. I went on my tiptoes to whisper into his ears.

“Zak…please turn it off. I can’t take it…anymore,” I pleaded with him. If he doesn’t stop it, I will cum very soon.

“Just a little more, there’s someone that I want you to meet. He should be here soon,” Zak said with a wink.


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