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Hey, My Twins Babies novel Chapter 628

Vanessa knew the reason for crying Megan and was stunned for a moment, but she did not know how to comfort.

She picked up Megan, came to the kitchen and asked her sister who was preparing breakfast.

"You told them?"

"Yes, last night."

"Megan, don’t cry, I made your favorite breakfast."

Winnie comforted, but her mood was also very bad.

The kids had been silent since they got up this morning. Sitting in the living room, they did not watch TV or play with toys.

Winnie was not worried about Megan, because she would find ways to vent. But Luke had a disease before, she was worried about him.

Hearing that, Megan cried out. Vanessa could only take Megan away.

"Don't cry. You won't have fewer love even if they're apart. They will love you even more. They have their lives, you have yours. No one can change anyone, so it’s wise to accept the fact."

Vanessa persuaded the two kids. She knew that it was unfair to the kids and difficult to understand, but she had to say that. She couldn't let her sister be sadder because of her two kids.

"But we have no home."

Megan heard what the adults said and understood what was going on. But she still couldn't handle the shock.

There was no dad, no family. Now she had but soon she had to lose it. Who could understand her at this moment of loss and unease?

"You have a home. This is home, grandpa's is home, Great Grandpa's is home. Do you like..."

"Great Grandpa's is not home, and I'll never go there."

Luke spoke finally, which was shocking.

"Luke, why?"

Vanessa asked, puzzled.

"He's not nice to mom, he discriminates against mom. If he hadn't objected to mom and Dad being together, Mom and Dad wouldn't have split up. I don't want to go to the old house. I don't want to be controlled by him all my life like my father. I can't even have the people I love the most."

"I don't want his company. I don't want a penny from him. I need to earn my own money and take care of my sister with my ability."

Luke was emotional. He did not cry but his dark eyes were full of resentment.

Whether mom was the reason for the breakup or not, he thought grandpa was the reason. If he hadn't been against it, Mom and Dad would have been officially married and none of this would have happened.

"I'm not going there, either, and I don't like Great grandpa's attitude toward Mom."

"Dad told me yesterday that he's going to live with Great grandpa when he gets married. If I have a stepmother, I won’t go there.”

Megan said, not she only listened to her brother.

"Being clever at such a young age is not good, you have your thought now."

Vanessa joked, and she was not so angry because of the attitude of the two kids.

In fact, she also did not like the old house, not only people there were sophisticated, even the houses and plants were influenced by the master's condescending manner, giving a sense of oppression.

She thought the kids could not have such idea, after all, they were the kids of the Bennet family.

"You can’t have that thought. Great Grandpa is bad for mom, but it has nothing to do with you. Do you think Great grandpa is good to you?"

Vanessa asked, wanting to let the kids realize that what they just said was extreme.



Brother and sister answered at the same time.

"If Great grandpa is good to you, you should be good to him. You should not deny his kindness to be just because your mother."

"What's more, it's impossible for Great grandpa to be bad to your mother in the future. She is free and doesn't have to face him anymore."

For the kids' mental health, Vanessa enlightened them to a positive way.

The kids were silent and did not continue their argument. The agreed with Vanessa, but they still thought great grandpa was involved.

The dialogue was heard by Winnie. She felt heartbroken. The child was in silent protest.

But she really could not maintain any relationship with Brian. She was sorry that she could not continue to endure.

She wanted to bear it alone till two kids grew up. However, this process was much more difficult than she imagined, without the cooperation and support of Brian.

Klara learned that Winnie had not plan to go abroad and had been suspecting that Wendy cheated her. On Weekend, she asked Wendy out.

In a cold drink shop by the sea.

"It's nice to be here. I didn't find such a good place before."

Wendy sat on a chair and looked at the sea not far away. She hadn't been so relaxed for a long time, and she seemed to have been busy in the Winnie problem.

"You are in such a good mood, there is something I don't want to talk about, or you will not be happy."

Klara was calm, as before.


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