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His Secret Millionairess Wife (Lauren) novel Chapter 15

Chapter 15 

Leo was waiting at home. He not only prepared several paintings he painted, but also asked Daphne to make some food that girls 

would like to eat

The first time Daphne saw Leo so excited before seeing a girl so she asked him, Do you know what girls like to eat?” 

Leo shook his head. He didn’t know, but he could check it on the Internet. Then he asked Daphne to help him search it on the 

Internet. He pointed at her phone and said, Could you help me?” 

Daphne thought Leo was so cute. She has been taking care of Leo since he was little, but she was always overwhelmed by his 

sudden whimsy

Sometimes, Daphne would secretly wonder who could give birth to such a cute little boy. 

Daphne nodded and then sat down on the sofa. She input: What food do girls like to eat

Then a lot of answers came up, including bubble tea, chocolate, cake, and so on

Leo smiled when he saw those answers, and said, It turns out that Lauren and I like the same food.The two things they had in 

common was that they both loved to dance and draw paintings. Now, he realized that they liked to eat same food

Everything was prepared, and Leo sat obediently on the sofa, waiting for Lauren’s arrival

Everything was perfect. The only thing that wasn’t perfect was his dad sitting next to him. Leo was a little dissatisfied, and 

wondered why his father was still here

Dad, aren’t you going to work?Leo wanted to drive away his father


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