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Hope you in my dream novel Chapter 24

When Clark was about to return to their seat with the food, he saw Nancy standing in front of Rachel and talking to the latter.

Clark frowned and walked quickly towards them.

"Rachel," said Nancy with a bit jealousy, "You shouldn't have worn such beautiful clothes and stolen my thunder!"

After saying that, Nancy raised her glass and was about to pour the wine all over Rachel!

It happened too fast. Rachel had no time to dodge. The scarlet liquid was about to spill on her body!

All of a sudden, she was pulled away by someone!

Rachel fell into a warm embrace and her body was surrounded by familiar breath.

She raised her head and found it was Clark!

Clark glared angrily at Nancy!

Nancy found the wine glass in her hand had been empty and the scarlet liquid dripped down the chair, as if laughing at her.

"What the hell do you want, Nancy?" Clark tried his best to suppress his anger.

Putting down the wine glass, Nancy turned around to look at Clark, but suddenly smiled and said, "Clark, what's your relationship with Rachel? Why do you always interfere with my decision to teach her a lesson? She is my assistant. She should be punished for not going to work for no reason!"

Clark lifted his eyebrow, saying, "She will be my wife soon. Anyone who dares to hurt the member of the Ji family should be prepared to pay the price!"

"Really?" Nancy shrugged and said, "But she emphasized again and again that she has nothing to do with you."

A hint of displeasure flashed through Clark's eyes. He suddenly bowed his head and asked, "Rachel, I've always liked you. Are you willing to be my future wife?"

Rachel struggled to leave his arms, stood up and looked at Clark calmly.

She wondered whether he really meant it or he was just pretending?

Nancy, who was standing beside, was furious!

Nancy grabbed Rachel by the hand and shouted angrily, "Rachel Yan, if you dare to say yes, our family will never go easy on you! Don't forget that you still owe us a favor!"

Rachel was very clear that Clark was not interested in her. He said that in this occasion because he wanted to help her out.

She would never be with a man who had no interest in her.

"I'm sorry, Clark. But I can't say yes to you." Rachel said, taking a deep breath.

Clark was stunned for a while. He had not expected that Rachel would refuse him.

Hearing this, Nancy was relieved and released Rachel at the same time.

Clark frowned and said, "Rachel, you'd better think it over before answering."

With a calm look at Clark, Rachel said, "I've thought it over. We're not right for each other."

Clark's face turned dark. 'she said we are not right for each other? But why?' he thought.

"Sorry, I have to calm down." Rachel suddenly turned around and left the party.

With a smug smile, Nancy gave a glance at Clark before she left the party following Rachel.

With knitted brows, Clark stood still and watched Rachel leave.

As soon as she walked out of the hall, Nancy stopped Rachel, "Stop, Rachel!"

Rachel stopped and turned around to stare at Nancy coldly. "Nancy, I've done as you expected and refused him. What else do you want?"

"I want you to break away from him!" Nancy ordered arrogantly. "That's ridiculous!" Rachel answered.

Then she sneered. "It's none of your business whom I'm going to contact with, isn't it?"

Nancy stared at Rachel coldly, saying, "You are still a member of the Yan family before you pay us back. Everything you do has something to do with the Yan Family's reputation. How dare you said it is none of my business!"

At this moment, two bodyguards got out of a black car and walked up to Nancy.

Pointing at Rachel, Nancy said to them, "Take her back to the villa!"


The readers' comments on the novel: Hope you in my dream