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Hope you in my dream novel Chapter 28

When Rachel heard that it was about Clark, she quickly raised her head and asked, "What did he ask you to tell me?"

Startled by Rachel's sudden reaction, Michelle said hastily, "He asked me to tell you to take care of yourself and not to worry about the shooting."

"Oh, I see," said Rachel, a little disappointed.

"Michelle," said Rachel while waving to her, "You'd better help me to practice some acting skill when we are free now! Teach me some tricks. You know, I have no experience in film shooting."

"Well, I'm glad that you're desperate to improve yourself! Mr. Clark has chosen the right person!" Michelle quickly sat down beside Rachel, took out some documents and began to help her to be familiar with the script.

Actually, Rachel just wanted to kill time and shift her attention. She didn't want to think about anything about Clark.

This trick worked. Rachel soon forgot the trouble that Clark brought to her and put her heart and soul into work.

On the third day, Rachel urged Michelle anxiously, "I don't want to stay in this ward waiting for my retirement. I want to act! Please help me to complete the discharge procedure, Michelle!"

Michelle was shocked. "But your foot hasn't recovered yet. Mr. Clark certainly won't agree..."

"It's okay," said Rachel. She stood up and turned around. "I feel much better now. I'm not a cripple. I can shoot something easily."

Unable to dissuade Rachel, Michelle had to get her out of the hospital and then they returned to the filming site soon.

Bob was shocked to see Rachel, "Rachel, I think your leg hasn't recovered yet. Why do you come back suddenly?"

With a smile, Rachel said, "It's not a big deal. I don't have to stay in hospital. Besides, I'm not as weak as you think."

Bob looked at Rachel with some embarrassment, "If Mr. Clark knows that, he will definitely give me a hard time."

"No, it can't be," Rachel quickly dispelled his doubts. "Mr. Clark knows that my foot is not seriously injured, and you don't have to have the psychological burden. If the scene is related to action, then put off until my leg recovers. Now let's shoot the easier part!"

Since she insisted, Bob had to allow her to be back in the shooting.

With her injured leg, Rachel worked very hard to keep on shooting.

With the help of Michelle and with no disturbance by Clark, some film scenes had been shot smoothly.

Within the next two days, Rachel felt that she had lived a full life.

Even though she had to apply ice blocks to her feet during the half-time break, she was still willing to shooting, which brought her unprecedented happiness and made her forget the disappointment and depression that Clark had brought to her.

However, this day, when she just arrived at the site, Bob looked at her foot which was still a little red and swollen with an apologetic face and said, "Miss Rachel, you can't do this anymore. You have to go back to have a rest, otherwise the leg cannot be completely recovered. How about this, I give you a week off! When your leg recovers, you can come back to work! We'll shoot some scenes without you this week."

"Bob, I don't need to have a rest," Rachel said immediately.

Bob shook his head stubbornly, saying, "I don't want to hear anyone speak ill of me. Besides, I don't need to be a lame actress. If you really want to continue acting, go back to have a good rest, and come back to shoot when your legs are well!"

Hearing what Bob said, Rachel had no choice but to go back.

As soon as she left, Bob called Clark immediately, "Mr. Clark, I've sent Miss Rachel back to have a rest. Are you relieved this time?"

"Yes." Clark's deep voice from the other end of the line.

When she returned to the villa, Rachel still hadn't seen Clark. She hadn't seen him since she "drove" him away from the hospital last time.

Only Eva accompanied her in the villa.

Thinking of this, Rachel felt more upset in her heart.

However, Eva always found a way to make her happy, and Rachel was not that bored.

Michelle would help Rachel to review the script every day. In the end, she could even recite the lines in the script easily and she could act every scene naturally.


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