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Hope you in my dream novel Chapter 95

Amanda replied innocently, "Grandpa, I did this for his sake! Are you going to watch him jump into the fire without doing anything? Anna is not a good woman at all!"

Peter shook his head and said, "I like Rachel, too. But I can't get involved in the relationship between Clark and them. It's up to them."

Sitting in the car, Rachel looked at Clark's cold face and thought he was angry, so she explained softly, "It was Amanda who insisted on taking me to your home. It was grandpa Peter who wanted to play chess with me..."

"Grandpa likes playing chess very much. You can go to play with him when you have time," Clark said in a cold voice.

Rachel was very surprised, thinking, 'He is not angry? Instead, he likes me to play chess with grandpa Peter?

It's...... It is so strange, right?

If he really wanted someone to go, he should let Anna go.'

"Don't get me wrong. I don't have any other thoughts or attempts," Rachel added immediately.

Clark's face turned much colder after hearing this.

Rachel did not know what Clark was thinking about. She shut her mouth and remained silent.

They sat in the car and remained silent. It was an awkward moment.

At this moment, Nancy, who was waiting for Rachel in the corner, hurriedly took out her mobile phone and took many pictures of the scene.

Rachel pushed the door and got out of the car, followed by Clark.

Clark drove her to the gate of her housing estate.

Rachel turned around and said with a smile, "Thank you for giving me a ride. You must be tired. Have a good rest. See you!"

Without saying anything, Clark just nodded at her.

After hesitating for a while, Rachel said, "About the clothes you gave me last time, you must have spent a lot of money on them. I want to give back the money to you."

"No, there is no need," Clark rejected in a cold voice.

"Amanda told me that you gave money to her for these clothes. I'm not used to owe others favors. I must pay you back," Rachel insisted.

Frowning, Clark said in a cold voice, "Then deduct it from your salary."

Since he was so stubborn, Rachel had to compromise. "Okay, I'll do as you say."

Clark watched Rachel until she disappeared in his sight. Then he turned around and got on his car.

They didn't know that the scene just now had been photographed by Nancy.

Clark's car sped away. Looking at the pictures in her phone, a snicker appeared on Nancy's face.

"Rachel, do you want your life to be so easy all the time? I won't let that happen! Huh! You want to take my man? I won't let you off, neither you nor Anna!"

As soon as Rachel got home, Eva came over to her and said, "Miss Rachel, you're finally back! Where did she go? Why do you come back so late? It's not something you would normally do."

"I...... I went to the Ji Family's house. " After thinking for a while, Rachel decided to tell the truth.

Eva was shocked. "You went to the Ji Family's place? To meet Mr. Clark's parents?"

Stunned by her words, Rachel shook her head and said, "You're thinking too much! I was invited by Amanda to her house."

"Doesn't Mr. Clark know about that?" Eva asked confusedly.

"He knew," Rachel said with a laugh, "And it was him who sent me back,"

"Wow, I have a feeling that something good is going to happen. You will be together soon," Eva stated with a look full of expectation.


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