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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince (Hope and Logan) novel Chapter 125

Chapter 125 


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Olivia moved the knife over the fabric of the curtain, leaving several cuts in its wake. Logan asked me to leave. How did he get suspicious of me? He always trusted me. What could have gone wrong?she murmured in frustration, tossing the knife aside without a second thought

Now that he’s suspicious of me, he’ll stop at nothing to uncover the truth of what I am. There’s only one way left to keep Logan under control,Olivia reasoned with herself as she made her way to the small library in her house. Retrieving the forbidden book on magic and sorcery, she knew she was about to delve into dangerous territory

As Logan was the Lycan Prince, endowed with the power to compel anyone, Olivia realized she couldn’t control him completely. However, she believed there might be a remedy within the ancient book

Placing the old book on the desk, Olivia began flipping through its pages, scanning intently. She was determined to find the potion that would help her maintain control over Logan’s mind

It had been Olivia’s foolishness to attack Hope, but now she saw Logan as the key to pushing Hope out of his life. After all, she was his fated mate. Once Olivia gained complete control over Logan’s mind, she believed she could easily remove Hope from the picture. She had already planned to use Hope to obtain the moonstone and harness its power

As she flipped through the pages of the ancient book, Olivia’s thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of her phone in the adjacent room. Could it be Henry, she wondered? Leaving the book on the desk, Olivia stepped out 

to answer the call

As expected, the call was from Henry, Olivia answered and brought the phone to her ear

Your plan failed, Olivia. Logan has turned against you. Are you alright?Henry’s concern for her was evident in 

his voice

I’m fine, Henry. Thank you for asking,Olivia replied with a hint of gratitude. It seems you’re the only one who truly cares for me.” 

Where are you? I couldn’t find you in my house,” Henry said, his fingers tapping anxiously on the armrest of the 

office chair he was seated

I believe it’s best if I stay away from you. Logan is suspicious of me, and I don’t want you to get involved,Olivia asserted firmly. Let’s keep our distance from each other for a while.” 



Emergency calls only

Chapter 125 



I don’t care. I love you, and I want to be with you,Henry declared, his desperation evident in his voice

Henry, for now, we need to focus on our mission. I don’t want to be apart from you either, but Logan’s suspicions could put you in danger. You have a crucial role as the next Lycan Prince and chairman of the Moore Group,Olivia affirmed, her determination shining through her eyes

Olivia, you’re the only one who truly cares about me,Henry expressed gratefully. Sensing someone approaching his office, he hastily added, I’ll talk to you later. Please take care of yourself, and don’t hesitate to call me if you encounter any difficulties.With that, he ended the call

Olivia placed the phone back on the table, deep in thought. Henry isn’t useful for now. It’s better to keep my distance,she murmured to herself before returning to her study room to focus on finding a way to control Logan

Ryan tenderly caressed Roaxana’s hair as she confided in him about the morning’s events. I couldn’t focus on work, so I came to see you. I didn’t even go to the office,she murmured, resting her head on his chest

That’s incredibly strange. You would never even consider hurting Hope, let alone wielding a knife against her,Ryan remarked, his trust in Roaxana remained steady. He then inquired if she harbored any suspicions about someone in their midst

Logan didn’t share the details with any of us, but I could sense the disappointment in his expression,Roaxana confessed, frustration evident in her voice. What if I had harmed Hope today? What if I had actually killed her, Ryan?Fear flickered in her eyes as she voiced her worst fears

Roxy, let’s not think about the other possibilities. Hope is perfectly fine,Ryan reassured her, gently guiding her. to sit down on the sofa chair. Handing her a glass of water, he encouraged, Drink up. It’ll help you feel better.” 

Roaxana took slow sips of the water, feeling its calming effect gradually wash over her. Once she had finished, she rested the glass on the table and noticed Ryan sitting across from her, his comforting presence a source of comfort amidst her turmoil

Roxy, I’m still perplexed about Olivia’s sudden reappearance. How could she be alive after the burial process was completed?Ryan voiced his doubt about Olivia

We don’t have answers either. Strangely, Logan didn’t believe her. And Olivia lied about it. I’m not sure why she would do that. Logan seems to know something, but he’s keeping it from us,Roaxana explained, her own 




Emergency calls only 

Chapter 125 

confusion growing


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