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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince (Hope and Logan) novel Chapter 4


Leaning down, Logan k*ssed the top of her bare shoulder, making Hope’s eyes turn wider

Hope had intended to resist his advances, yet she found herself in an unexpected state. The sensation of Logan’s l*ps on her n*eck and shoulders had an astounding effect on her, causing her mind to cease its usual function. It was an entirely novel experience for her, the knots in her stomach tightening as his l*ps continued their tantalizing trail

For Logan, this level of attraction was unparalleled, surpassing any encounters he had in the past. Not even his previous liaisons elicited such a response

He recognized it as a primal urge, devoid of affection or fondness, but rather an intense desire. His one hand slid to the small of her back while the other gently cradled her n*eck

As he drew closer to her face, the darkness in his eyes dissipated, replaced by the captivating gaze reflected in Hope’s eyes

Logan’s thumb delicately traced the curves of Hope’s plump, rosy l*ps, igniting a rapid thumping of her heart against her chest, intensifying her breaths. As his thumb departed, replaced by the chill of his own l*ps, she shivered, realizing it was her inaugural k*ss with the man who was now her husband

Despite having a mate, intimacy had never been a part of Hope’s relationship. She had yearned for such emotions, and unexpectedly, they manifested in this peculiar moment. Lost in contemplation, she failed to respond to Logan’s k*ss, her l*ps motionless against his

Kiss me,” Logan demanded, his voice a low growl against her l*ps, prompting her to gaze at him with wide eyes

Hhow?Hope’s trembling l*ps formed the question

The way I am doing it,Logan whispered, grazing and gently nibbling her lower l*p this time

Attempting to follow his lead, Hope cautiously imitated his actions, uncertain if her response was fitting. In an unexpected move, her feet lifted from the ground, and 

Logan effortlessly cradled her in his arms, their l*ps locked in a fervent embrace

Overwhelmed by the intensity of his k*sses, she found herself unable to match his ardor, succumbing to the intoxication of the moment

Gently settling her onto the luxurious expanse of the kingsized bed, Logan persisted 


with his explorations, his l*ps lingering on hers. Eager to delve deeper, he lightly nipped at her lower l*p

Ahmm,” a startled cry escaped Hope’s l*ps, quickly followed by a soft moan, her own surprise evident in the sound that had escaped her

Her l*ps parted involuntarily, granting Logan deeper access to her mouth. His hand. ventured beneath her nightdress, tracing a tantalizing path along her thigh, his fingers drawing mesmerizing circles in their wake

The delicate touch of his tongue against hers, the graceful dance of their mutual exploration, sent sparks coursing through her. Astonished by her b*dy’s response to Logan, Hope’s hands traced a gradual path upward along his arms, finally settling on his shoulders, finding solace in their embrace

Another moan escaped her as Logan playfully nibbled her tongue before slowly withdrawing, leaving her gasping for breath, a lingering sensation of longing in the wake of his departure

As the thin straps of her dress were pulled down, Hope found herself vulnerable under Logan’s intense gaze, questioning why she couldn’t halt his advance. Sensing exposure beneath his hungry eyes, she attempted to speak, but his l*ps silenced her with a cascade of k*sses along her n*eck

Logan grappled with a peculiar sensation. The melodic moans escaping her l*ps resonated like an enchanting symphony to his ears

His desire to explore every inch of her b*dy surged, a craving for pleasure igniting within him as he yearned for her in ways beyond comprehension. His primal instincts. seemed to override any sense of contról, his wolflike urges emerging uncontrollably in the presence of the woman beneath him

The touch of her cold fingers tracing his skin left a scorching trail, intensifying his yearning to possess her in the most profound sense

Say my name,Logan demanded suddenly, breaking away from k*ssing her n*eck

What?Hope was taken aback by his abrupt request

Say it,” Logan insisted, his gaze fixed on her l*ps

Logan,Hope uttered, unsure of the purpose behind his demand

Again,” he urged

Logan,she repeated, meeting his gaze

Without warning, his l*ps seized hers once more, devoid of any tenderness. His hunger 



for her seemed insatiable, k*ssing her as if she were his final meal

With a sensual touch, his left hand glided over the satin fabric of her nightdress, tracing the curve of her breast, eliciting a soft moan that escaped against their locked l*ps

Breaking away from her l*ps, Logan embarked on a fervent journey, trailing k*sses down her jawline, descending to her n*eck, and finally to the hollow between her breasts


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